
Um, I would not recommend this.

The other thing is, note how he acts around kids and babies. Does he smile when he sees them? Does he act interested and interact with them? I knew my ex-husband was into children the third time we dated when he picked up a friend's baby and just went gaga over it. So maybe watch and observe for a while.

I would say something as soon as you think it might be serious.

Baths are my jam! The hotels always seem to have much nicer bathtubs than I have at home (not hard, because my bath is TINY). And you are so right about how wine makes things better.

Try, "where do you see yourself in 5 years" and see if babies and diapers come up. When he comes back with the same to you, mention you'd like kids.

My new puppy's favorite rawhide is "buffalo pizzle"... which I had to Google. It's a god damn BUFFALO PENIS. I'm really not sure how I feel about this. I've been spoiling her rotten, trying to find toys and rawhides that she'll like because she stuck her nose up at a few things that have since been donated to my Mom's

Finally restarting regular, consistent, therapy sessions with a psychologist. Had to admit that there was a problem. And even if it wasn't that bad, therapists can be extremely helpful, and more people should do it. I just want to make myself better, I want to relieve my stress, I want to lose weight in a healthy

I'm just gonna take a minute to get excited about the fact that a black woman, Shonda Rhimes, is creator, writer, and producer of THREE primetime shows back to back on a major network, two of which have black woman leads.

My best friend is a 5'3" tiny woman, and she runs all the time. Once she was alone and a dude on his bike smacked her ass. So she shoved him off his bike and yelled, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT WEARING A HELMET, ASSHOLE!!!" and then ran off.

It's proper etiquette to extend ones pinky when delivering a well-deserved crotch kick.


I live for your DirtBags! Sigh. You are a sharp, laugh to you cry, absolutely, awesome writer. I will miss you.

How come nobody told me?! I need more time!

Whoa whoa whoa - talking about burying the lede.

She was pregnant? Also, is she going to name her next daughter Blanche Sophia?

I just visited Portland for the first time in March and fell in love!!!! My five year plan has my firmly entrenched there. I have been back twice and can't get enough!

My friends and I had to start a Dacia in a Romanian village that way because my friend left the headlights on and killed the battery. Imagine two petite women pushing a communist-era-looking Romanian station wagon thing (it was seriously a 2001, but looked waaaaaay older) down a dirt road while a 6 foot something

Pretty sure this is her reaction to people who hate her dress.

Has anyone else ever noticed she's kind of pretty?

Well, my *husband* will live longer if I drink wine at dinner.