
This is SO true and it’s unfortunately one of the reasons that I’m quietly putting money aside and making plans to leave a relationship of over three years. My penchant for animals and a recent decision to depart the regular workforce in order to pursue a dream is going to make the process a bit more drawn out than

Omg I can’t wait to read it. It has been SO satisfying to hear about how pissed everyone is. Fire and Fury makes me so happy, kudos to that author and putting up with the weirdness so he could get it out there and good on that publisher who put the book out early in response to the cease and desist order!!

YES. It’s so frustrating. And in my case, the owner is the biggest perpetrator of the drama so it’s this example that the others follow. It blows my mind.

I feel bad complaining sometimes because my relationship isn’t toxic, it just isn’t going anywhere. I want to have sex and babies and get married and my partner isn’t particularly interested in any of those things. I was really focused on us going to therapy for awhile but time has shown that the things that are

I grew up in Southern California and have been in the PNW for the past few years simply because I felt like I needed a change of scene. But when I was home for Christmas, my sister’s fiancé put it so well. He said “You are all Valley Girls, why do you ever pretend to be something else?”. He’s right. Time to embrace my

It sounds like you have the courage at 18 that I’ve spent many more years working up towards, so go you! You are awesome.

By the skin of my teeth! I have a couple of part time nannying jobs and am taking up the slack by driving for Instacart. But I bit the bullet and submitted my resume to a couple of jobs through Indeed today. I might have another shot at the job I really want in the next few weeks, but if I can’t have that I need one

Nice!!! No more shitty high-stress jobs, we don’t need them!

It was the worst! It got to the point where I was so nervous that I was going to “get in trouble” on a daily basis that I had a tight chest and stomach ache every day. I’m so relieved that it’s over.

Have your recovery space ready and waiting, and your Netflix queue prepped and ready to go. Have a nice cozy spot with blankets, snacks and the remote all within arms reach. Have you watched Godless yet?

Are you near a community center or college where you could take a class or join a group? Or maybe you could start one! I always found that I was most productive when I was meeting with other people on a regular basis and was expected to bring some writing along to share.

Ok y’all. 2018 is going to the be the year of no shits given and no shits taken.

I think that’s the point though. You can. We all can, it’s just so fucking hard sometimes. It’s so hard when someone is shitty to you to recognize that they’re probably coming from a place of pain, so we go through a cycle of negativity being shitty to each other around and around. But then if somebody can respond to

Still waiting to hear about the outcome of the dream job I interviewed for 😳. It’s been 10 days. They said the timeline for checking references was 7-10 days, but I didn’t think to ask when the person hired would be notified. So I just have to wait. I’m bad at waiting.

Argh I forgot it was Saturday.

That is fantastic.

I do not need any new Christmas music ever. Between John Fahey, Raffi, some select chamber music albums and the old billboard classics, I’m set.

There’s a channel here where they rotate through Criminal Intent, SVU and the other variations of the show all day and night. It’s the best for when I’m working at home but need some background noise.

Do you watch Midsomer Murders?

To be fair, I think even in real life the punishment for stalking, kidnapping, torturing etc. is harsher than whatever the sentencing would be for manslaughter via drunk driving. Especially if the person you stalk, kidnap, torture etc. is a cop.