
yup, this brawl sucks. like every single brawl before.

IS it clear? IS it? Or are you being kind of a wiener?

A couple weeks ago they did a healers only brawl, and it’s some of the most fun I’ve ever had in Overwatch. Hope they bring it back into the rotation soon.

I always assumed weekly brawls weren’t meant to be played more than a few matches anyway? Like a fun little distraction from the regular game.

Looks pretty much exactly like Metroid Prime Blast Ball to me.

No, you wouldn’t have.

Aw man. I suck. Well, I’ll just go fuck myself then.

Oh no...Michael Jordan is going to be sad if this happens. I wish there were some visual depiction that I could share to show you how sad.

Read the comment that you initially replied to (emphasis added):

Portal wasnt a origonal game. it was basicly a uni indie dev game concept that valve liked, hired the team and had them make portal. I hear left 4 dead was similar.

Portal was developed out of a game that was made by students at Digipen that Valve hired. Left 4 Dead was developed by Turtle Rock Studios, a developer founded by former Westwood employees that was later acquired by Valve.

Portal is just a reskin of a game they did not make, much like there other titles aside from Half-life.

They’re just waiting for some indie dev to come up with a cool idea that they can buy out. After all Valve’s only original games have been Half Life and Ricochet.

Allow me to rain on everyone’s parade and remind everybody that you won’t be able to fly in Legion’s maps 2 years after the fact and completing a lengthy quest chain, grinding all the reputations, exploring all the nooks, doing all the dailies, finding all the treasures, completing all the quests, finishing all the

they are already generic. it would create families of species instead of having to make random monsters that don't look like anything in particular anymore. But that's just my personal preference.

For the early 2-3 generations yes but I don't think they had 1000 ready 20 years ago. I think I would prefer if they did variants and we ended up with 20 different kinds of pikachu like we have lots of different breeds of dogs and cats and not use ice cone and garbage bag pokemons.

There was weird crap in every generation but there seems to be more in the newer. In the first generation the majority were animals or weird stuff. The new ones is either weird stuff, variant of older designs or crap. After 500+ designs they are running out of animals to get inspired by so they do variant of older

Gen 1, Gen 2 and Gen 5 are all great. Most Gen 1 players will agree. It's Gen 3 and 4 that were fucking terrible. Gen 2 was definitely inferior to Gen 1, but Gen 5 is right on par, and in some ways better.

A Pokemon made out of magnets, how does that work?

I think 99% of the original 151 players will agree that the new designs are quite inferior.