
nah this just mental gymnastics in order to justify how shitty you can be without being a “racist”

Critical Race theory is trash, it’s paradoxical, it dismisses essentialism while relying on it at the same time. Not to even mention the inherent flaws in “stand point theory”

Running from police because you’re afraid they’ll kill you

uhhhhh weather underground?

DeVos responded weakly, saying her department is reviewing different guidelines and offering nothing to address Lee’s concerns about how racial disparities in school punishments relate to arming teachers.

Lets compare this “scandal” to Telford, shall we?

The KKK isn’t a thing anymore, it’s over, it’s dead.

And youre mad about it.

yeah no shit, and all the hand wringing about the dreaded COINTELPRO as if it wasn’t used right wing groups in the past as well.

wanna bet all those industrious, high GDP locations Hilary won are all run by, and created by white men.

you know how all the comments here are essentially saying “well where’s the lie, Hillary’s not wrong!”

Hilary got more total votes than Obama during the 08 primary.

But muh democracy.

and yet she would’t last one set with John during both of their primes.

They obviously do have rock solid legal ground to do it. the FBI themselves recommended it. The OIG, put into place by Democrats btw, has been looking at this shit longer than Mueller. Even further, itlooks like McCabe implicated Comey as a liar as well. lmao.

oh she was a militant? A militant Marxist? Well surely she shouldve have seen this coming. If you want to be militant, don’t be surprised if you get tagged first.


nice rip from Forde you fraud.

Actually that’s a valid point, but I’m not mad about letting McCabe twist into the wind. That’s not petty, but vindictive, and that doesn’t preclude it from being justified either way.

What’s petty about this? McCabe lied to his own superiors, sat on the Huma emails without telling Comey for almost a month, and then lied to investigators about his own leaks to the press.

But that’s the point, the Government wasn’t there to protect you, thus “the good guy with a gun” would be a civilian defending themselves.

But whatever, it’s already been proven multiple times that Progressives have a very limited understanding of Conservative arguments as proven by Haidt, so I can’t say I’m really

how is good guy with a gun bullshit in this scenario? The whole thing is based off “when seconds matter, the police are only minutes a way”

hahhaa unreal, yeah sure we can pillar anyone who is a White Christian Male, no problem, definitely not bigoted. But mention that he’s a Jew and see how quick the slurs come for pointing that out. Get fucked.