
remember when Arizona tried to pass more stringent immigration laws during the Obama tenure, and the Obama admin sued AZ and won on the basis of Federal Law Super-ceding State Law, on the basis that immigration is the federal government’s concern?

Hahah no, of course you dont. That would be too inconvenient.

Less than 2k people overall voted in that district.

Julie: Hey, I’ve got an idea! Let’s destroy some property and teach those rich guys a lesson (hehehe, I’ve got them now! Those fools have fallen into my trap. We’ll root out those commies for sure. I’ve trained years for this! Maybe I’ll even turn some of these kids into anarchists and arrest them!)


whoa whoa whoa, I thought Egyptians were black?!

would anyone care about the new minor league without a School’s affiliation? I think people discount the amount of cache the universities bring to table. For example, if Grayson Allen was playing for some minor league affiliate would anyone give a shit about the guy? The fact that he’s Grayson Allen and affiliated

No one’s crying Pig. But I’m also not sure how the Apartheid government is relevant to a discussion as to whether the Bantu were indigenous to the area. Which again, they were not. But that won’t stop BadOmbre, wearing his #MuellerTime shirt from dismissing my replies as he won’t acknowledge the fact that language

Wait wait wait, so now the Empty land myth isn’t a myth unless it involves the Bantu who raped an pillaged their way down to South Africa. Hahah excellent really.

The Bantu were, in fact, the first anatomical humans to settlement much of the land of South Africa

The Bantu originated on the continent at least. “That doesn’t matter” I guess not.

why not direct this at me? Did i ever claim the land was empty? No, but I did claim that the Bantu who now control S.A were not and are not indigenous to the South Africa. That’s a fact buddy.

sorry the narrative is a little more complicated than what is illustrated on the root. But it is a fact that the Bantu ARE NOT INDIGENOUS TO SOUTH AFRICA. That would be the San and Xhosa, who were gently killed off (I’m sure), by the Bantu. Which is why many members of the San and Xhosa tribes were involved with the

well if you knew anything about S.A you would know that the Bantu people who make a majority of the population aren’t indigenous to the area either. They expanded southward and east from west central africa and genocided many smaller tribes along the way. And in fact the largest migration of the Bantu occurred to

January in order to keep Atlanta Public Schools funded.

lol sure dude, definitely had nothing to do with the change in tax laws where almost every CPA worth his/her salt would advise their client’s to prepay taxes in full in 2018.

But yea, the children pffttttttt

that water pump from an s4 will last what, 5k miles?

ah comrade, the personal is the political !

hahah yea man, what else are we supposed to think when the devs ret con the procrastinators as avowed Marxists as well as adding little dog whistles about free speech. No, only an idiot would think the devs were making a political statement.

legit did not, only insecure losers who crave affirmation do that nonsense.

Maybe you should start covering how Broward County’s lead on the reduction of the “school to prison” pipeline allowed Cruz to have so many interactions with cops and other authority figures without anything being charged to him. A massive unintended consequence of those types of policies.