
Here's hoping it pans out!

Is Ghost Rider coming back? Or are they shipping him off on his own show?

I love how they still hate him. Daisy's face when she realized it was him in bed, and then when he hugged her from the back. It's like she's literally about tho puke. Priceless.

I laughed so hard at that part

You can't tease Bobbi and Hunter returning if it's not a confirmed thing. Be still my heart!

Yes, I figure his removed pain is not losing his dad.

Agent Oops I Did It Again.

"You're still dead?"
"No I'm feeling much better!"

It also suffers slightly because of its binge watching format, whereas legion was airing on a weekly basis. I can't remember anything specific right now but I remember being bothered with how most episodes of JJ couldn't stand alone, it always felt like you were watching part of something not something in parts. But

My husband just started watching it a few days ago, he thinks I'm insane for saying that. For him It's Jessica Jones and I loved JJ so much, but the narrative structure here is much tighter and the season itself works better as a whole.

you and me both. I would have watched the shit out of that show!

I'm still confused about Benny. He physically interacted with the ex gf, eating the cake and then pushing her into the corner when she tried to take away the frog. Was that actually David?

I'd like to know what you come up with!

The leftovers is going down and it's taking us down with it. I'm preparing myself mentally and emotionally: listening to the soundtrack every once in a while, stocking up on booz for that inevitable existential crisis and making sure my favorite blanket is fuzzy enough to carry me through the season.

I think, this has been the best season to come out of the Marvel universe so far?

It's a fasterpiece!

I'm with Alex on this one, Clueless all the way!

Yeah that's how I saw it too. Still it was a hell of a cliffhanger. I wonder if next week we'll see The Shadow King in action, would be interesting since we only saw the aftermath at D3.

Holy shit what was that!

"Tapp with a double P for Penis"