
A month ago I got a year card with a thrown in 800 point code for 40 bucks.


In case you're wondering what the message of this video is...

Hey college dudes that think Kate Upton is hot (pretty much all?). When you're listening to hip hop, getting high, and playing video games... also eat these Hot Pockets because they are cheap hot food you don't need to leave your dorm for.

Am I close?

I don't think being in Europe has anything to do with it. I think it has to do with maturity of the child and how well the parents are able to judge that. You were able to play Mature games at a younger age with understanding and emotional stability. That's great! I was, too, in fact. My parents would use the rating

I could see this but only in a certain way. I have always wanted it but couldn't be an MMO like some are saying. You would play your rpg mode but you would be allowed to co-op with up to 3 other people. Then they could have centers throughout the world (like a gym, store, or pokemon center) where you connect to the

I agree with all of that except for one thing. It's NOT poor by Jeopardy standards. I see backwards ass clues like that, that are misleading in their vagueries, ALL the time. I hate them. Mostly because they remind me of those questions that some teachers would put on a test just to be cheeky. The ones that are worded


I really hope the story of this movie is as interesting as the stories from the book. It doesn't have to be a direct adaptation of the book, but I would like it to fit in with it all. For the most part the Zombies seem to resemble the Solanum (iirc) infected described in the zombie survival guide.

True, she does. But that means she definitely should NOT be rocking the BSB/NSYNC war on her trapper keeper.

Agreed. But that Eureka moment when you catch something from a previous episode is diminished because you just saw it rather than having seen it two weeks ago.

But it's so jam-packed that I'd rather catch them all than feel great about the very few I would have caught otherwise.

I'm the same as JazzyBudd, I think.

For me it is a bit like cramming. Things don't stay in my head permanently when I binge watch. At least not long binges. And I could see how some of the fun would be wasted when you binge watch season 4 of AD due to it's structure. However. A lot of things don't stay in my head very

You could sign up for a one month trial as long as it's on a different card and with a different login. If they recognize you've been a customer in the past, it likely won't work. At least that's how these things have worked when I have tried them.

My wife and I are on about episode 8 or 9. and I have to say that, so far, it's gotten better than the first episode or two. It's definitely structured differently from the original airing seasons, but you can see that it's done for a reason the farther on that you watch. These people's lives intermingle in different

Washing protects the body from harm. Wearing glasses does the same and are not altering the body in any way. Trimming finger nails also prevents them from breaking or tearing through everyday use. All of those things protect the body.

That makes total sense to me. Thanks.

Thanks. I typically don't use either, because they have played fast and loose with some definitions for me in the past. But I don't mind either of them as references on Kotaku. If I mess up, oh well. It's just internetz.

To everyone saying that they would make less money if they weren't selling their games for their hardware and profiting from both, keep in mind, that was true for wii, but wiiu isn't selling for shit. The install base is minuscule by comparison.

Fair enough, then. I think for clarity's sake that they are better when not used interchangeably. However, if people have been doing it in common language for a while then I can't really argue, I suppose.

Oh he's carrying a gymnast.

tehehe. ^_^

Please note that this is a cross only, and it is not a crucifix. A cross is seen more often in the US, and many people incorrectly use the term interchangeably. A crucifix is a depiction of Jesus Christ during his crucifixion (commonly seen in Catholic churches, for example) while a cross does not depict the body of