
Unless I'm working a on a Pollock-esque blacklight mural, then yeah, it would be. haha

Cool! I actually own one and probably would have seen it if I had the special edition because I play in a blacklight lit room.

I feel like just saying that and knowing what the game is about is enough. Nobody was trying to take away the depth of those contemplating or struggling with suicide. Maybe you're not giving enough depth to the affects of drug addiction. I think just saying that can say a lot.

I don't want Nintendo to get out of hardware. I want them to get up to speed on it. The Wii U is great and all but it will be a generation behind soon. If they had a strong online presence and powerful hardware they could easily vie for my money as my primary gaming device.

I'm pretty sure it's Goldeneye but Timesplitters had a pretty similar one.

I used to bring a pillow and blanket into my closet and close the door and sleep every once in a while, marveling at how much more space I would have if I took my bed out of my room. I didn't mind it too much but these places would get to me. Sure if I'm just going there to sleep it would be OK, I suppose but not for

My friends and I have talked about this model for a while. I suppose the main reason that they don't do it is because people are already paying $60 for just the multiplayer and letting the Singleplayer sit there anyway. If they want to go this way I think it would take someone doing something creative to get it going

True. However, the PS3 is NOT the success the PS2 was. Not by a mile. Still, I can see it being pretty easy to get for a while.

In the PS3 case I'd say you're dead on. But here's where I think a lot of people are, and it's where I am right now. I have been wanting to buy a PS3 since it came out but never have due to the price and the fact that I was XBOX first since I already had paid subscriptions to use on it that carried over from my XBOX.

Nice 4:3 screen, 1999. Does it come with an attachable light or is that an accessory. Oh I hope they sprung for a backlight!

Sounds to me like the hit a critical stumbling block and either had to scrap it and take some lessons hard learnt, or they have had to change things so much that the current iteration can't produce images similar enough. Also, they could possibly just be waiting for the horsepower to make this really useful and let

has to be fake. That's... ludicrous.

My assumption is that tomahawk would be easier on PC because aiming is easier and more accurate on PC when you're used to it.

Here is my thinking on why people may like it, and I should warn you that I am one of them (though I'm not in love with the idea).

I loved those years. The late end of that ten or so years takes a lot of flak from other people surprisingly. I can see why. I think this cast was settling into something that could be good if they could have just gotten one more good anchor for the team that was consistently funny. Really, to me, what usually makes

If Seth is gone then I'm out. Those are probably my 4 favorite people on the show. Seth being my number one. I think he's a pretty great update host but I like a lot of the modern ones since Fallon, Feye, Poehler, and Meyers are all great. My favorite may also, however, be Norm MacDonald because I just have a weird

If you're trying to sell it... try not to point out all the gamestops around you, maybe?

I haven't been super interested in this but I have to say that I enjoy the more brightly colored visuals.

I've tried that... and it didn't work... :/

I am about to jump into smartphones for the first time. I don't need anything fancy but since my wife already has an iPod touch and we have a few dock devices for them I have been waiting for the release of iPhone 5 to>>>