
Not going to be adding anything new here....

Apparently. I thought it was hilarious. I know parents that would have totally agreed with you after not picking up on the sarcasm...


I don't disagree. There wasn't anything edgy and the reaction was very thin-skinned. I wasn't defending his attackers, I was defending HIM. Even if he shouldn't HAVE to apologize, that doesn't mean he's spineless for doing it anyway. But my opinion isn't yours. I only replied to clear up the point I was making. I can

Well spoken. I couldn't agree more. I think he is smart, though, to make himself clear and just apologize. May as well avoid being stubborn and just apologize when it comes to this stuff. He made himself clear and didn't apologize in a way that compromised his integrity. He doesn't need to, but this way everyone feels

That sounds hilarious. I'm going to try that with my wife next time I'm on Gears. That game gets people raging pretty hard as it is... Now I just have to start winning, otherwise it will just be sad silence. :/

I disagree. I think that people would feel very similarly, sure. However, in my experience people would voice their disagreement without as much passion because they would be more likely to trust a female gamer talking about how a female gamer gets treated, even if their own experience was different. People wouldn't

Covering your ass when your job requires people liking you on the internet isn't spineless. It's smart. People can rage on so easily and quickly these days that the site could easily be labeled as a myriad of negative things. If he apologizes, like a person interacting with another in real life would when they

All copy machines are filled with, like, a bajillion nano-monkeys.

100% Agreed, Mommar. It's not the end all be all by any means but there's some real design skill and dedication going on to make that game a success.

MC is Harry Potter and the Forerunners are Death Eaters. MC is a direct descendant of Voldemort and that's why he's the reclaimer. Le DUH!

Indeed. I own it and the Halo 3 soundtrack and it is FAR superior. They really went all out trying to pack atmosphere and storytelling in that game and nailed it. I wish I could say the same for reach. They did well, but had too much to work with to make it as nicely packaged as everything in ODST was.

That's what I first thought when I listened to it. If that's the most "dubsteppy" the soundtrack to H4 gets, but it's done well... I won't mind at all. :) I would like to hear more electronic elements added to the second trilogy.

You know. I posted trying to add 2 cents and a different side but then I went off on a rant that totally skewed what I was trying to say. It wasn't really needed and didn't add anything. I don't like needless replies and that's what I did. So I'll own up to that. You're right that it's overdone. And you're not wrong

I always wish I had one of those EEG peripherals with one of these types of games. It would make the whole experience seem more full.

He made his comment to nobody in particular about the article. You spoke directly to him. Of course you're directly within your right but nobody was even trying to take that away from you. Or talking about it. Or thinking it. They just thought what you were saying was kind of crappy and gave their opinion on it. Just

IMHO... People that shouldn't have been operating motor-vehicles were also involved.

Agreed. I choose to start all long car trips at night if I can. If there isn't night driving on the highway then it's just no fun for me.

I don't typically rely too much on cruise control. Having to keep a consistent speed on my own is just one more thing to keep my mind busy to prevent fatigue. However, it hurts the gas mileage for sure if you're not keeping yourself steady on a speed and people should use cruise if not using it makes them

I don't know if I need a new Mirror's Edge as much as I need a game that builds on what they learned from the first. I have to say I honestly never played all the way through the first but have been debating picking it up cheap. So I don't know the story really well. Would it be viable to make a prequel? Or maybe just