
@Mister 32: I was also thinking it seemed more realistic. When people are quickly confronted with something new and have to give it a name that's easily and quickly recognized they will almost always give it a name that is basically a word for a unique attribute. Whether it be something it does or the way it looks.

Awww maaannn. Now I have to get this game. Eff.

@TC-man: It will help out until it wears your wii out anyway. At least thats what Ninty wants you to think. They're protecting us from ourselves. haha.

@ShaSt One: The Toys R Us where I live is dirty and sad. :(

Wouldn't it be nice if there were some sort of disk you could put into a Wii that let you watch a movie? I understand the argument for not having an official dvd movie player on the wii but having netflix without even being able to watch your own dvd's on the thing just feels weird. Good news, though.

I know that I like RPG's I just can't seem to find the time to dedicate to them. I can barely finish the campaign modes in the shooters I play.

@ggp9690: Totally agree. I think it would make a lot of sense to be able to just re-download everything to the next Xbox and be able to play my XBLA games there.

@Hamster Poop: I would like that too but I kind of think it won't happen until the generation after next. I feel like optical drives will be left in. If not, however, I would like to see a separate external optical drive as an option for those who would like the backwards compatibility and DVD (BluRay?) capabilities.

@angry_gamer: Yes Yes Yes. If it's at all possible the next Xbox needs to be more backward compatible than the 360 was.

@RightFootStar: OK. Well even if they do that it will still be an Xbox 360 so they really didn't bullshit you. Unless I'm REALLY missing something.

I think they're decision to ride the 360 train as far as they can is a good thing for everybody right now. With the 360 the Xbox name has really become just as if not more synonymous with gaming as the Playstation or Nintendo names.

@Prosper: True that! Anyone that treated like a naive newbie before must be kicking themselves now.

@Prosper: When you watch those shorts and then the combat scenes in D9 you can really see some great similarities and differences. It puts no doubt in my mind that if a Halo movie is ever made, I'd like him to direct it (as long as it stays mostly live action anyway). Sadly, I know this had put a really bad taste in

@Namanh Hoang: Not only that, but you have to time the game with the release of the movie. This can lead to shorter than typical development cycles and hurt the game. Either that or sometimes there isn't quite the budget or number of developers needed to really make the game great. It's a stick situation. I think if

With two analog sticks you not only would see more gamecube ports but more N64 ports as well. Just for the fact that you'd get one analog stick. I would love to play perfect dark, goldeneye, or starfox64 with friends. Not to mention the handheld versions of coll of duty being MUCH better.

@Numanoid: Hrmm. I suppose that's true. I just think the IR pointer would be much more useful then motion sensing. I don't need to flip my hand around but it would be great to be able to click on menu settings or what channel I want to watch.

@ToKeN2k6: Yeah! Nyko should have developed a controller for the Wii BEFORE Nintendo did. Also, another attachment for the controller is far superior than just including it in the controller. I mean, who wants a controller that needs less attachments, is just as accurate, and costs less. That's so... INFERIOR!

I haven't been this interested in a 3rd party controller since the days when I seemed to think one controller was no different than another.

@Synthos: I think he was just saying that it is a sign, an indicator if you will, of the continuation of a business practice that is only good for the economy in the short term.