
@dracosummoner: Yeah, I don't know why people get so concerned about Halo when almost every other game out there is a sequel or something. I'll chalk it up to people being really anxious to know what Bungie is going to do AFTER Halo. ;D

@dowingba: I can't help but agree that using Natal as a central component to gameplay is less than impressive. HOWEVER, I think that it's potential as a secondary peripheral is pretty nice. I'd like to little things like my avatar being able to wear the same T-Shirt I'm wearing because natal "scanned" it in. I also

I totally understand why.

Cash cab is an entertaining enough show and it's always positive. I just wish everyone I ever watch TV with didn't love it so much. If it's on TV it's on MT TV and I get sick of seein git so much.

@SeuLunga: I'll do that for you right now... Mario.

@Friedhamster: Or Republicans! Lots of "Tea Party" rallies as of late...

@jossi.cruz: Yeah I just noticed it too. And you're her younger brother trapped inside a suit of armor. How many grunts have to die to bring mom back?

@cupajoe38: Oh good! The only thing that hurt my experience with titanic was Leonardo DiCaprio. ;) haha

@E Honda Civic: Well Bungie does use a different engine for every major Halo release. So I can see why. Not to mention that having one where others might not is what makes their multiplayer balanced (or balance-able) enough for competitive play and allows it plenty of longevity. I'm hoping the Beta will be longer than

I would not be surprised if the next Xbox had network storage when I look at how focused they are on Xbox Live. I would expect them to free up more storage for Gold users.

I definitely knew they would bring those guys back...

@Red_Dragon: It won't be until after that pirate pimping classic "Pimps at Sea"

I don't have HBO so I could do this. I just don't have Netflix but it might be time to weigh my options. If HBO got on Hulu I'd be set because at this rate I hardly get the chance to watch my favorite shows "live" anymore. I end up watching them online anyway.

@Sirusjr: I seriously agree. My age 20 brother is the same way. Judging by the MW2 release and how well ODST did with all it's "controversy" as far as size and features go I wouldn't be surprised if it was the game of the fall. But that doesn't mean most overall sales from the entire world.

@Jet Set Radio Zombie: Someone promote this comment! The "not gonna lie" part made me chuckle.

@Trey: You're so supposed to just say why... It's kind of the point of a comment... to, ya know, comment. ;D

@Tyrunn: Umm EXCUSE ME? Get your facts straight. All the drunken frat boys moved to to MW2.