@Maverynthia: The bears would attack the woman. "They can smell the menstruation!"
@Maverynthia: The bears would attack the woman. "They can smell the menstruation!"
@Friedhamster: This is actually his second version. It does everything he said the first version would do...
@GeneJacket: Well. Selling it OR handing it out for free. Really, just producing it in noticeable numbers for others. But most of the time that just means selling it.
I understand it's just that guy but he ultimately is stopping the change in government from being made. He's a significant part of the government, so I can understand people blaming the "government" when it ultimately falls only to one man. The government is not just Laws and Prime Ministers.
@ttocs: I don't really see how breaking your own ceiling fan is funny...
In a healthy relationship both parties need to be equals.
@GnatB: Thank you so much! I now have a greater understanding of the uses and importance of a graphics card. I love learning from friendly commenters such as yourself. I'm not a PC gamer, an aspiring one, perhaps, but I just don't have the rig or money for one at the moment. So I really just never needed any real…
@develin: DUHN DUHN
@develin: Yeah, you're pretty much right. If you get an idiotic ass behind the counter it's because of their constant exposure to other idiotic asses. It's an unfortunate phenomenon.
@DirtyColossus: AWESOME. What a great way to get a star. :)
@GnatB: I suppose I'm missing something but I still don't see how that's true 3D. The graphics driver actually renders a different camera position for each game? I didn't think a graphics driver would or could do that. I figured it would have to be programmed into the game. But I confess my lack of real knowledge on…
How can it truly look 3D without two images from slightly different angles? If I take two of the same image and move them together with my eyes it looks neat but not 3D... If I'm being an idiot then please teach me.
@Koztah: Yeah. I got a PS1 a couple years or more into it's life and had a bunch of Jewel cased games. I loved it. Although almost every single game case I had cracked... I was, what, 12? Can't say my brothers or I were very careful with our stuff. haha.
While I'm all for Green I feel like this is an effort that could go farther. It seems like the "Green" effort the company I used to work for did. They advertised that they were a green company, put in a few energy efficient light bulbs (literally could count them on one hand and it was a large building with a few…
@Mlong128ir: Yeah they give you a link to their website where you can get a full manual or something like that.
@ReconToaster misses garnett :(: PSPGO is PSPGREEN! Ooo. They should make a green PSP with a leaf on it. :)
@Beatnik11: I hated those boxes before I even thought of it being bad for the evironment. I remember being 10, opening a computer game, and wondering why they decided to package air along with their game. "Why don't they just put the CD in a case like a music CD?"
@The Cap'n: I'm pretty minimalist myself. I don't think they're much thinner (if at all) but they can be squeezed much more easily. I plastic is thinner, and in some places gone all together, but the dimensions of the box seemed the same to me.
@solaseria: You could have run through it once and then shared the controller with a friend, maybe?
@RadioactiveRhino: Perhaps, but losing resources for the convenience isn't a fair trade for you. Many speakers have headphone jacks on them or if you'd like, you can pick up an extension cable at radio shack on the cheap and have the end kept in an easy to reach place.