
@surft: I want a "Buy American" faceplate! haha

Why is the warthog faster than the mongoose? That's silly.

I find that games are still stuck in a phase of escapism. The reason there is little demand for creative games with deep and complex narrative is because my I deal with deep and complex stuff in my own life all the time.

@AliShaikh: This whole string of comments is simply amazing!

Stephen! You've never heard of Etsy? Or so it seems at least. Well I hope you get to check the site out a little bit more than you did before posting the article (it seems, anyway) because it is just fantastic. I've seen these and similar items on there before. In fact, there are a lot of things on there that geeks

@Jay Jay Deng: It is humorous to see people debating sales figures but at the same time, you should care. If you like to play playstation then you should care. When a business doesn't profit, consistently, it will get rid of the thing that's bleeding money.

@RAVENKam: That's what they should have done in the first place. Just recreate the PS2 font into a smoother sleeker looking PS3 font instead of all that craziness.

I have honest to goodness genuine respect for a man that can pull off such a magnificent comb-over.

Isn't all this complaining about people using a dead artist's work to make money kind of a double edged sword?

@TheTonyShow: While I agree that it's a Douche move to act like you were friends with the guy, I can understand feeling as if you had a connection with him.

This honestly doesn't surprise me. I worked at gamestop for a while and let me tell you that most of the people there were just the WORST kind of people to talk video games with, and that's ALL they DID!

@Shakezula84: I doubt that most people here are serious about their claims. An evil conspiracy in the console wars is NOT one of the MANY things wrong with Gamestop.

@DigitalHero: not to mention it seems that more people in the US already have a 360. But I'll plead ignorance and say that I did NOT look up any numbers before saying that. SO... here is some salt to go with my reply.

@ganaeshd: Here's a quick breakdown as I see it.

@bakagaijin: I read the article and I totally get the point he was making.

@Dangofrank: Thought the same thing. In fact. Big Daddy would be most enjoyable.

@Mecharine: Yeah I would have thought someone might have made one. Apparently no. Oh well. That sorta thing is almost overdone anyway, haha.

@PaxtonAstypalaea-Prime: It would be nice to see this On Demand but unfortunately had to be heavily optimized for people who had no hard-drive. Until they worked out whatever optimization they came up with, Bungie had to toy with the idea of requiring an install but knew that they just couldn't go that way. So now it