Aw...did you get triggered by the truth? Sorry to hear that. Maybe next time around you’ll get your rape enabling, war mongering psychopath in office...if she manages to live that long. :)
Aw...did you get triggered by the truth? Sorry to hear that. Maybe next time around you’ll get your rape enabling, war mongering psychopath in office...if she manages to live that long. :)
And if you hate this country and it’s people so much, feel free to go to North Korea or China...your idealism will obviously fit in a hell of a lot better there.
This coming from someone who thinks Hillary supports women’s rights when she takes millions from the Saudis? You know what they do to women, right? Of course you do...but it’s weak minded hipster fucks like you who, despite the facts, still support a rape enabling psychopath to be our president. Being married to a…
What are you going to do when you ‘spot them’? Cry? Huddle up in a corner of your own piss? Or maybe you’ll be too busy watching youtube videos of homeless Haitians so you can gaze fondly on what could have been if your hero won?
Aww look how brave you are, special snowflake. Sorry your rape enabling psychopath didn’t win...sorry she didn’t get to finish Obama’s job of destroying the middle class...sorry she didn’t get to start a war with Russia as a distraction, sorry the Clinton Foundation wont get a chance to fleece other 3rd world nations…
He was probably doing what most SANE individuals were doing at that time...wondering how hipster fucks like you could justify voting for a corrupt, rape enabling psychopath.
People still use NPR as a real news source? I guess schizophrenics need radio too. must be frightening for hipster scum like yourself that you all have SO little to write about since your hero lost her opportunity to finish destroying the middle class and start a war with Russia. Maybe you could see this as a can now write more about pussy eating techniques or how men should…
Cool story bro. Did you get ALL of that from CNN?
Cue the insensitive, privileged fucks here and their uninformed, ignorant
So by your logic, Hillary is pro rape since she’s married to a rapist....and anti gay as well because the Saudis gave her a significant campaign donation. Same Saudi Arabia know...oppress women, throw gays off of buildings, traffic children, funded 911, etc.
Just when I can’t imagine how you can possibly find a way to be a more immature, ignorant, self serving, misinformed one up yourself yet again. Well done.
Wasting YOUR!! But you ask me to waste MY time to do something you can easily do for yourself. You’re definitely a Hillary supporter. So go do some searching, pookey...or are you afraid that you’ll find the truth? Your hero is an evil, murdering, thieving demon of a human being and that’s just the way it…
Obama sure does...and that’s exactly what he’s been the last 8 years. It’ll be nice to have someone take over that isn’t bought and paid for like Trump.
Find it have an internet connection, you have search engines, you have youtube. There are actual REAL media outlets outside of CNN and the corp/govt controlled ones...and actual reporters still out there that are not owned by the establishment that have reported on this.
But it’s BETTER to support a woman who enabled her husband to rape, then aided in intimidation and cover up of the victims? Oh how about the new emails that indicate that they are BOTH involved in child rape? Lets ignore that because it’s better to go along with your friends and their similar low information viewpoint.
Yeah it’d be much better in the hands of a complete psychopath like HRC
Trump didn’t ‘allege’ that at all...or even talk about that fact publicly. Facts are’s just a google search away. Billions were raised for Haiti after the Earthquake, to be appropriated by the Clinton Foundation...and nothing was rebuilt, no funds allocated except to CF partners. There are tons of articles,…
At least Trump didn’t steal 3 billion from Haiti.
Yeah the FBI isnt in her back fucking pocket or anything.