Giant Bunny Wearing Top Hat

I’ve read on various wikis that it is where the child was born, *but* because Jon had such unclear circumstances even in the best of times - ie, even absent the “is Ned the real father”, it’s still during a war and Ned may well not have been especially forthcoming about what happened, considering he was trying to hide

Those liberal Hollywood types, if they would just make movies without so much sex, the mongrelazation of the races, degenerate lifestyles and language, my goodness dear me, the language! We need movies you can take the whole family to with moral values that promote clean Christian living by moral men of great

Yeah, LOL at people talking about the occasionally poor writing quality of this season, as though it’s something that hasn’t been going on for years now. Where were all the complainers at when everyone was salivating over the idiocy that was the Battle of the Bastards? Arya’s terrible Braavos material? For god’s sake,

Hot Take: GOT Season 5 was worse than GOT Season 7. Way worse.

Pickle Rick remains the standout episode of the season for me so far. Though that Jerry episode was pretty outstanding.

the writing ... can never, ever go down in quality — or else they risk a wild backlash.

I think I’m broken, because I don’t have anything cynical to say about this. Good job, guy? I approve? That doesn’t sound like me!

Emma Stone will take his place.

Let’s once again engage in awesome and totally not weird discussion of whether or not he should’ve grieved longer and, hey, maybe he killed his wife.

Or it was a genuine mistake, which was how I took it. Like he’d gotten used to the flip phone, and so he messed up ending the call on the smart phone.

You left out that Morty did not hang up the phone on purpose at the end of the episode, to let Rick find him. I liked the American Psycho reference and that Morty was possibly tired and self-aware of that life style. Maybe he realized that he was going to head down a similar path of American Pyscho never being

“Toxic” is a pretty popular buzzword right now, especially on the left. Toxic relationships. Toxic masculinity. Toxic politics. One of the things this episode shows is, despite its ubiquity, there really isn’t a set definition about what is “toxic.” “Toxic” is pretty much whatever the person talking doesn’t like.

Well technically since the machine only removes what a person perceives to be their own toxicity I don’t know how he would change. Maybe he is self-aware enough to know how needy for approval he is and wish that gone.

I mean, Stannis did die offscreen between seasons, so it wouldn’t be the first time, but I agree it would be a rarity. On the other hand, how could Tormund come so close to death twice in two weeks? Seems like bad storytelling to me.

BRAN: Dames, who needs ‘em? But you and me, pal, we get each other. Just two bros, hangin’ out, shootin’ the shit, doin’ man stuff. Like, um... um... scratchin’ our balls and... sports? And? my omniscience power is leaving me hanging here...

It’s just the Kinjamprove extension, the original looks as awful as ever.

Less creepy. Still kinda creepy.

That doesn’t come off as creepy. At all.

Apparently there was a Kinjamprove update yesterday.