
My mother always said it was bad luck to change a name. We brought our daughter home without a name and didn’t name her until she was 3 days old. I named my son the name my sister and I would always fight over when we were playing when we were little. We would fight over who would get to pretend their name was Lisa,

I’m pretty darn old, and I think people have just gotten more self centered. They don’t care at all what’s best for society and will use any excuse to treat themselves as special flowers. I see this everyday when I drive home from work and have to wait while some asshole holds a an entire lane of traffic rather than

The inane, prattle of the commentary is ruining the Parade of Nations. I have to put the tv on mute. They are driving me crazy.

A middle school where I taught had a program where we’d take 7th graders to the local jail as part of Civics. We had to stop the program because the girls were slipping their phone numbers to the guys in the cells.

I inherited a gun, but I got rid of it because I am afraid of freaking out like this and hurting someone. I don’t have a history of this, but anything can happen. Sometimes I feel nervous because I think of situations where having a gun could be beneficial, but the danger is just too great. Emotions, hysteria, it can

I hate it when men call women bitches.

Pettipant slip. Just google it. It is a slip with two legs. Slip material. Old lady-isn, but it will solve the problem completely.

What a great article! I paid $900 last year for my diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. I was going to skip a mammogram this year, but my doctor wanted me to have a regular one (I didn’t know they were relatively useless for me). I was lucky that the place I go offers 3D mammography for $35! Really. I didn’t know it

While I don’t think there was anything wrong with her dress from a sexual standpoint, it is a very unusual choice for a morning news show.

Many public schools are not safe and it is because of the handful of kids who attend them who have violent lives and horrible parents. I work in an urban middle school and 100 or so students make our school crappy for the other 700. Why aren’t they thrown out? Because there is so much pressure from “downtown” not to

It would be nice to have a teacher in the bathroom, but because a student could easily lie and accuse the teacher of sexual misdoings in the bathroom most teachers should not go in.

I am a middle school librarian and I am completely hysterical. Maybe I need a cat.

And yet all of his wives were/are 10s and he cheated on them (at least 2 of them).

I had to give 3 1/2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies away to a co-worker today because I cannot stop eating them. I purposefully did not order any, but caved when a troop was selling in front of Moe’s. They are so delicious that I have eaten 1 full sleeve of Thin Mints (kept in the freezer of course) each night for the

You should vote for her because you’re the same gender and she is not a total joke like Sarah Palin. Even in this racist country more people said they would vote for a person of any color over a woman. There are wars on women all over the world, including in America where a woman can’t ride the subway without worrying

I work in Virginia close to where the rebellion took place. Once an African American student told me he was related to a famous hero, I asked him who, and the student replied, “Nat Turner.” It was such a learning moment for me. If the history books were written by African Americans Nat Turner might be known to all of

When I see that picture of Kendall and Harry I think how I would love to be young, hot, and canoodeling on a yacht instead of old, never hot, and just returned from Kohl’s. Good for them.

I have 2 friends who have had heart transplants (a mother and son, honest) and when they were waiting in the hospital the doctors told them a donor would probably be found around the first of the year. The mom’s anniversary of getting a new heart is tonight, and the son’s is during the 1st week in January.

I may not understand this because I am Catholic and in 8 years of Catholic school we never opened a Bible, but how can you blather on about the Bible when you have been divorced twice, married 3 times, and have children by 3 different women? I worked with someone who when you asked her how she was always replied, “I’m

What is “disappointing” success? Was it unsuccessful? Was it less successful than anticipated? Can success be disappointing?