
I think we all know the correct answer to the weight problem. Powered exoskeleton armor

So, in other words, you’re blaming the banning of this “racing” series on “the gubmit”? 

Oh, sure, just go ahead and have your own pun thread. It’s not like we would have wanted to participate.


This story is a good example of some of the misconceptions a lot of Americans have about Straya, where they think it’s a continent-sized Florida with a constitution that comprises of the words “hold my beer” and “V8 ute.” Reality is it’s a nation with British levels of nanny government and 1950s deep South levels of en

This is the most Jalop comment I’ve read on this story.

Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion.  You follow?  It’s like a jet engine for the water.

Russia tried that but found out is was too easily sabotaged by “a Goddammed COOK!!”

yeah, but does it have a caterpillar drive?

For anyone looking to find a specialist to rebuild this car, I don’t recommend Googling “vintage escort service” while at work. 

Several types of vehicles tried to go across this slope.The sand was so soft and deep that they were at risk of rolling which stopped them getting up any speed that way.
I watched this episode on TV today.I must say it was impressive.Ive never seen so many -and so many types- of vehicles get caught like this.

If I were a female driver being compared to Danica Patrick, this would be my response:

No, I mean when you could actually LEARN things from watching Discovery. It’s really distressing that theres now a whole generation of soon-to-be/recent adults who have only ever been exposed to Reality TV Discovery...

Did you mean about crazy people who chase tornadoes or the other crazy people who cut down trees in swamps?

Man, remember when Discovey had actual educational/informative programming? I’m old.