Buzz Mega

It gets worse. Apparently the invention of the rubber tire was a technology that made its way into Nazi Germany, too. This caused descendants of Charles Goodyear great humiliation. It is rumored that two committed suicide over the Hitler connection. This text IS that rumor.

Cat ass trophy!

Can we have this as an option on modern cars, please? Great for nudists.

The check seats, right? That's the Ultimate Male Ego Booster. Did I win?

Has anybody lost a wallet? Has anybody ever lost a nuke? Oh, yeah. Both get a ringing "yes."

What percent of aggressive drivers around you turn out to be in BMWs?

Well, heck, the answer is simple: Just makes some more.

Magritte. First fanboy.

Shut your festering gob, you tit!

Mechanical effort in; mechanical effort out. Presumably not a violation of race rules.

Does this make me look fat?

The putative "driver" was cited for not having his seat belt clicked.

...aaand the four front tires hold up that Plumbium V14 better, too...

Those ain't loops. They're spins.

From the AAA study: "Research has shown that use of cellular phones does not interfere significantly with the ability to control an automobile except among the elderly, where potentially dangerous lane excursions can occur."

2:10 PM, Volvo Aeronautics will demonstrate how the loss of a wing flap at altitude will be rendered moot by its new PlaneBag system.

"Boeing's New Spy Plane Will Fly For Five Years Straight".

I am soooo sorry about dumping that stuff from our waterfront warehouse in St. Louis.

@LaziestManOnMars: Yeah! That would have added two minutes to the exercise! Goddamn frauds!

@mattp123: Six soldiers "drive up," but eight and a non-red-tagged foot-chock/de-roller soldier(s) do the work.