
Pete Souza (former official WH photographer for President Obama) knows, even if Agent Orange doesn’t

I am curious to see who kneels tomorrow. I’ve been boycotting but I may tune in to the openings of all the games I can, with hopes that damn near every black player takesa knee. Such language from the president is un-fucking-acceptable. When it comes to Nazis there are ‘good and bad people on both sides’; but when it


On Facebook someone (black man) said black women should feel complimented and proud that they want to be like you

he has a beautifully expressive face and it is giving me life.

This all feels like a mockery, she looks like those old racist cartoons. The sad part is actually believes her BS and she’s really permanently changing unlike Rachel dolezal who can take a shower and be white whenever she needs whiteness.

It withstanding the obvious body dysmorphia and general idiocy that makes her think she can just decide to change races, those boobs look so damn painful. How? Why?!

Ah yes. Those are the faulty stats gullible people, angry racists who lurk online- like yourself rely on. Even so, why should or would I leave the country? I’m not now nor have I ever committed a crime. So just because I’m black I should leave? Nah. Think I’ll stay here just to annoy the likes of you. Where are the

Just for kicks, I looked up the school. It’s 62.3% African American, in a town with a 43% AfAm population. If anybody should pack up and move, it’s her!

“How does being black and not liking Trump automatically become an ASSumption about not working for a living and leaving the country?”

How does being black and not liking Trump automatically become an ASSumption about not working for a living and leaving the country? That bullsh!t gets me every time. How many OUTSPOKEN, RACIST and DIVISIVE anti-Obama supporters were ever accused of not working or told to leave the US? Stfu with that nonsense. We


Seems like the root is becoming more and more anti black male. Very sad. It sucks they are joining the other Gawkmondo properties in creating a white friendly version of progressiveness that’s easy to gluten-sensitive white digestive tracks because we can still hate black men and be woke.

All labs matter!

I am offended on behalf of pigs who are smarter than this man and much better looking.

I wonder if he would he save a black dog?

Poor dog.

In certain vocations you don’t have a choice who you can or can not save, if you would do so you should rightly be terminated. As a nurse I have had to provide care to whomever was in a bed and sometimes it is hard. Even knowing a patient was a child molesting pedophile piece of shit or a cold blooded murderer

Damn. Firefighters used to spray their high-pressure hoses on Civil Rights activists, but he hates black people so much that he would even pass up the opportunity to do that “by accident?...”

Either free us or feel our rage.