
I hate you for not having given us this observation earlier. It’s fucking accurate.

Not as rude as an orange approved by 70% of milky skinned.

Ha ha, keeps it on. It elevates us.

Ha Ha, the wig
As long as I paid for it it’s mine. No sis that’s not what our dna says but it’s not you fault. The problem is our men who fetishize the peacock phenomenon among humans of light skinned females with three feet or one meter hair long and razor blade or knife shaped nose. Our wigged sis have done nothing

Look how happy this diverse melting pot America entourage around him is in the picture.
One would think it’s a bunch of ruling tribal elite from a homogeneous Caucasian, Aryan, Viking European kingdom but alas no, asks Young Smith a wench with serious english non ebonic or ghetto names. Her masters seem a scared and

This president is really a complete imbecile. He thinks his signatures, gibberish babbling, and tweeting garbage are universal all eternal. Let him keep scribbling papers with his bullshit. It will all be reversed by mentally sane people.
His presidency is very entertaining by his puerility and stupidity. We should

Why have this militaristic quasi-religious flag and anthem fanaticism in sports and schools? This shit of jingoism instituted by crazy zealots need to be removed from stadiums and public institutions. These are things reserved for wars, clashes (sports or cultural events) between different nations and conquests or

It’s Lyndon Johnson (LL) and Roger Brooke Taney (LBT) preaching fulfilled by the United Supremacists of America by any means necessary:
LL: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll

You can have an ivy league degree and still be stupid and that’s her case.

She was drunk with too much white dicks in her chocolate black hole.

“If you can bamboozle someone into believing 12 white men can be diverse, you don’t actually have to hire people of color or people with different sexual orientations.”

Wow! That sounds like what Carter G. Woodson (CGW) said. It really makes me angry when so called successful black elite work for white supremacy

Black People are Childish Genetically and by Nature as Confirmed by Eurocentric self proclaimed authority on Blackology and Africanoloy.

Sheesh, this imbecile should go back to Germany if he doesn’t like the US Constitution. The Americas are not a private property of Caucasians, Aryans, or Nazis.

Man my life is on that shit right now. I drink on average 2 x 40 oz of malt liquor every day. I got malt-liquor-baptized by a roommate who drinks king cobra all the time. A recent immigrant I used to drink heinken which is not as strong as Steel Reserve or ST Ides my current preferred. I call them homeless beer a

A Nazi is hit by a White male and chose to accuse a black man. A Becky Klanswoman magistrate leapfrog regular procedures involving police reports about any assault and issues an arrest warrant. I don’t think the stats are correct that it was only 53%. It was more than 70%.

An employee can do that too. Some minimum wage paying company’s pseudo-superior race manager bullshited me in the morning just after I clocked in. I said mofo this is an at will minimum pay job, bye. The contract said the employer/employee can terminate the job anytime without giving any reason.

Hahaha true, the two Betchies can go back there or to Caucasistan because they are not happy with the US Constitution.

The love it my way or leave it makes me wonder why white people think they have more rights to Americas than anybody else. Is it because they are the ones who exterminated indigenous peoples? They are from another continent too they don’t own the Americas.

Why have these mofos put us in the defensive? They are the ones disrespecting the country by disrespecting the Constitution. Diktat et al can go back to Caucasia if they are not happy with the US Constitution.

How many of those guys you mentioned have we propelled into public offices?