
Xylophone - nobody has ever thought they looked cool playing the xylophone

This leaves me confused, which is appropriate. This happens in an NFL game and the article is much different.

You are right about one thing, this is not science

In order I’d say most likely no, no chance in hell and maybe as anything is possible. Also where did you hear that this fear was what drove the contract? It wasn’t in your story and would have been a damn good addition if at all credible, so I’m guessing you just heard someone speculating.

Uh, there are thousands of cases just as morally reprehensible every year, so...

Or their bankruptcy? Criminal record? Infidelity? Dead children? Rape? Is there a line or just anything that is public is free game to bring up whenever and however you wish?

I firmly believe Flo would be the worst fuck ever. Probably going with Lily unless the Viagra cougar is an option.

That is a losing argument and saying these vultures actually want Goodell gone is like saying Rush Limbaugh was actually upset when Clinton got reelected.

Who has the biggest stick stuck up their ass?

Somebody get the fainting couch!

The problem is Deadspin works backwards not forwards. The conclusions are known and don't change, the hot take that leads to the conclusion is the only drama.

Now playing

Always been a fan of the hand-written letter

A college kid smoking weed isn't a story, but you posted that very story on this website and have been updating it non-stop?

You are confusing Harper having fun with Harper being an asshole

So delicate - I hope you were near your fainting couch

If you had to guess, is the “unknown substance” pot or pickled plums?

The answer is always yes.

I don’t understand why people are so terrified of “hateful” or “racist” opinions. Honestly most people at ESPN would have been fired years ago if simply having opinions that are wrong, stupid, and impossibly disconnected from fact was grounds for dismissal, and I’m limiting this to their remarks about sports.

No, New Orleans should have either picked a new team name or stuck with the Hornets, like every other team always has. You don’t switch after 10 years or whatever it was.

You are discounting the possibility that he could be very stupid.