
I don’t understand why people are so terrified of “hateful” or “racist” opinions. Honestly most people at ESPN would have been fired years ago if simply having opinions that are wrong, stupid, and impossibly disconnected from fact was grounds for dismissal, and I’m limiting this to their remarks about sports.

No, New Orleans should have either picked a new team name or stuck with the Hornets, like every other team always has. You don’t switch after 10 years or whatever it was.

You are discounting the possibility that he could be very stupid.

Point out on the doll where Murphy Brown hurt you.

I wonder how many of those were just intentional ball 4's on 3-0 counts - as, if I’m not mistaken, that still is an IBB.

South Carolina is #1 here, without question, MD and TX are close. The thing about SC is there are no pro sports teams, so for every Cowboys or Ravens hat/sticker/coozie/belt/flower pot/etc. you see in those respective states, in SC you see the state flag.

As long as I'm allowed to call a player a motherfucker then he should be allowed to call me the same - one set of rules, that's all I ask.

Literally no one gives a fuck about that stat. Jordan Zimmerman’s mom included.

I find his godfather Tom quite refreshing.

Love it that he won’t try shooting underhanded because it looks #gay or #reasons

Russell Westbrook is twice as annoying and neurotic as LBJ with half the talent (still a lot) and no rings - how does he get a pass?

Bridgewater was unanimously viewed as more talented from the start. Manziel was Tim Tebow without the size/strength. He threw to wide open WRs and used his speed in college. He should have been a second rounder at best but like Tebow he was a sexy pick. At least Tebow didn't embarrass anyone off the field.

First of all you present zero evidence that the draft depresses salaries, “artificially” or not (or even what the fuck that means). The draft and team control are the strongest means of competitive balance, which increased popularity and therefore revenue - so while perhaps the players’ share would be larger if they

This shit should result in a PK, right?

Do you not understand the implication that was made regarding the arbitrariness of this condemnation or do you understand it and think your comment is still worthwhile?

Yes, wrestling isn’t stupid because it’s fake per se. But it is a terrible scripted performance compared to other live scripted performances (e.g. circuses and plays/musicals) and not nearly as exciting as non-scripted sporting events.

That is an interesting viewpoint. When your view is at odds with the popular public view, do you think it is the civic duty of the public to ostracize you, to dox you, to make it difficult for you to find or keep employment? This isn’t a question of government censorship, but one of civics. The idea that every

Stale joke is stale.

You are such a bitch white boy you can't even distinguish good black people dance moves from a guy flailing around like a retard.

counterpoint: this is stupid and actual accomplishments should praised instead of this shit