
If he was, I hope Deadspin doesn’t write 100 articles explaining why he did nothing wrong and anyone who says otherwise is racist

As long as the jokes are funny, yes. Laughter is the best medicine...other than antibiotics.

Adam told me to tell you that he doesn't care what you think, cocksucker!

I'd like to think you mean that you respect our sexually autonomy, but I get the feeling you are just a homophobic asshole.

I’m sure the ground at LaRoche’s feet is covered with tears, but also I expected you didn't have the capacity to offer even a basic explanation that didn't make you sound like an asshole.

Care to explain?

A terrible manager who won 14 straight division titles, with the last few having less than stellar talent. Ok.

No, winning the division every year is fucking awesome. Watching playoff baseball every year is fucking awesome. I wouldn’t trade 91-2005 for the Marlins two random titles with rented players. And also the only two years where we should have definitely won the World Series based on talent were 95 and 96.

My feeling is that when 18-22 year olds playing football can be monetized and profitable, the NFL’s ass will be stepping in. As long as the monetization is actually connected to the school and it’s other students/alumni, it won’t change much. The really good players have too much to lose (draft status/player

Similarly, tuition-paying students could “strike” against the school by not paying for their fall term in large numbers. Chipotle customers could “strike” by not buying burritos until queso is offered. Any group can exert pressure of they want to, and chooses to do so only to the extent they are willing to pay for it.

One having to do with physics and one having to do with anatomy, I'd say

Professional athletes should be paid and no one should be prevented from being a professional athlete due to their age. College athletes should not be paid because there isn’t a professional alternative for them. That isn’t the NCAA’s fault. The NCAA does not and cannot prevent anyone from playing a sport

Patronage jobs, favors, etc.

Don't boo hoo because I called out your stupid hot take

Either that or no such thing will happen

There is actually a middle ground between people with a stick up their ass and clowns acting like every good play is cause for a choreographed dance and taunting the other team.

Did he scream at and talk shit to the pitcher and every infielder as he rounded the bases, because that is what McCann famously got upset with Carlos Gomez about. Gomez would have been flagged or T’d up/ejected if he did the same thing in football or basketball, honestly he should have been ejected before reaching

I agree with this wholeheartedly, but have recently wondered if this rule is suspended if you have prime outfield seats for the home run derby?

Do I have to take a side or can I just call everyone here an asshole?