I remember my first day on the Internet
I remember my first day on the Internet
Ok so I think we pretty much agree! Just ended up talking past each other.
No no no. I am saying it is just as much hers regardless of where or when it came from. And in fact I’ll side with anyone having their name challenged. It just seems in this thread it’s those who change to their husband’s name who are being challenged and minimized as people.
I agree it is bad reasoning. There are good reasons to take a name - such as you want your whole family to have the same name or your family named you Dorris Boras and you’ve been looking for any chance to change it, but changing it because of this twisted logic doesn’t make sense. Ultimately the only name that is…
Real feminism is telling women that their names aren’t really theirs if they took their husband’s name? Because real feminism is telling women what they “should” do. I hope you express this sentiment to your friends that took their husbands’ names. That you tell them to their face that they don’t really have a last…
So instead of transferring ownership, she remains the property of her father?
On the other hand, if you take Ms. Husbandsname, who took her husband’s name, why is her name less hers than yours is yours? She feels that she chose to marry Mr. Husbandsname and wanted to take his name. You feel that despite marrying you want to keep yours. You don't need to dismiss her name as less in order to feel…
Counterpoint: no, it doesn't.
Things are admittedly a little different when the 7th round player is perhaps the most recognizable and well-known player in the draft. It is like when you draft the Heisman winner in the 3rd or 4th round times 10.
I don't think it would be unseemly, but it's impossible to not understand the reasoning.
Sick burn, dude. That guy is totally a closet homo and should feel shame about that because reasons*
I'm just confused now. Can we put a pin in this?
All have elements of subjectivity. Cruz is widely viewed as a talented attorney/litigator and his academic and pre-political record strongly indicates high intelligence. You can say he isn’t talented or intelligent like you can say LeBron James isn’t athletic (for some bs reason like he whines or gets cramps), but you…
That changes everything?
The 90s Yankees wouldn’t consider having an outside shot at barely snagging the (then non-existent) 2nd wildcard to be contending.
You don't think he'd waive that if they traded him to a contender?
Thank God no Gawker Media sites are driven by clicks instead of newsworthiness. Keep fighting the good fight, hero blogger.
This is a typical view of a person who believes the law will not require them to do something contrary to their religion. Or someone that lacks the cognitive ability to realize the logical conclusion of such an argument.
No, the world was founded on those things and America is a C- student.
Stop coddling hateful bigots. Would you be so gentle if he said “fuck all the Jews” or “fuck all the Buddhists”