They had sex in the dark. That one was free, next time you owe me a buck.
They had sex in the dark. That one was free, next time you owe me a buck.
Nothing, including finding a knife that has his and his two victims’ blood on it, will prove he murdered those two more. The DNA evidence already exists. A moron might think that the incompetent LAPD set up OJ, and such idiocy could explain any further evidence, including a knife.
McCann was sticking up for his Latino teammate. Probably trying to prevent Teheran from putting the next pitch to Gomez right in his ear hole. If you don't like McCann you need a better example (if you think screaming at and taunting every player as you round the bases, as if you are in the WWF, is ok, then you are an…
Ok, instead I’ll find your (not yours, but the guy who wanted to celebrate) children in the stands and tell them their dad is a faggot and their mother is a whore. Because sticks and stones, right?
99% of people who complain about being busy at work are actually just overwhelmed or mentally ill-equipped to complete the tasks before them. Even lawyers and bankers that “work 70 hour weeks” are usually only doing 40-50 hours of work and the extra time is to trick themselves into believing their underperformance and…
Yeah another way of looking at this is the ref could have t’d him in the first place, chose to give a verbal warning instead, and D. Will wasn’t having any of that.
I guess when you are producing your next movie you can try it out.
[insert Andy Reid/clock joke]
Or she is grandstanding to appeal to hive-minded, millennial progressives? Wonder if John Oliver is upset she is stepping on his turf?
Lawyer fees add up
I'd just be happy putting a bullet in Polanski's head, but I don't think this is hypocrisy, it's just twisted values and morals.
Anything substantial though?
That is a cheap excuse
That’s s good point, but I don’t begrudge him for being spiteful. In his shoes I might be too. This is still the dude’s identity. It's not like there is something else significant he's ever done.
I sort of agree with him, but it’s all about public perception. Allen and Polanski’s bullshit is old news. In 10 years, if TV Land is around, they’ll throw Cosby back on tv.
Oh cry about it.
“Thank God we are putting a stop to this fat shaming”
African countries are known for child soldiers and the Zika virus, so...
4.7% of course
And here you see how black-separatism and anti-racism can sound so much alike