
As a ladyperson, I get extremely pissy about the plethora of listsicles enumerating the things I have to purchase in order to properly maintain my ladybits. My advice to the adequate man would be: BURN THIS SHIT LIST IN FIRE BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.

I definitely noticed the balance/tonal shift when more women started writing these posts. I’m a woman and I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing to have women write for the blog, but I much preferred the man-to-man advice angle that it initially had going. It seemed like a much more down-to-earth and real way to

How about stuff for guys who pee standing up?

Perhaps a great, or even good, man needs these products. But the Adequate Man does not.

“In using the (still-sealed) sworn testimony of witnesses as evidence in ruling on several elements of summary judgment, the judge is in fact substantiating the veracity of that testimony.”

I cannot stress enough how badly you are misreading this court’s opinion. You can barf out the phrase “evidence of record” as many times as you want but the Judge in this case did not weigh that testimony and write “yes, I find it more likely than not that this testimony was accurate.”