
That wasn’t his first...

She’s the size of a fucking coke machine. I’m surprised the punch even wobbled her.

Especially Houston, the sweaty asshole of the entire continent.

[Bat flips to end all bat flips]....

I would never call a team that employs Prince Fielder “gutless.”

Incredibly apt that you just got wrecked on an issue regarding kids by a user named CromartiesKidsClub.

Even when the proceeds from that museum go to providing young children with food and proper health care to help a generation of children from Madeira move off the island?

Never wish rape on anyone. It doesn’t make his crimes go away and its something no human should experience. Rape isn’t part of the prison sentence

Not even a little, lol. I bleed Beaver orange!

She’s reacting to being held and/or jabbed every time.