give me that good shit
give me that good shit
With CHAdeMO and CCS, the vehicle’s BMS communicates with the charger to set charge rate limits. So, Tesla could do protocol conversion (or just natively speak the protocol and use a passive adapter) and make this work.
As good as this sounds, there is one issues that needs to be address. Unless I misunderstand the technology, the Tesla supercharger system is a proprietary plug that is use exclusively by Tesla, and that Tesla had open up the technology for others to use royalty free.
Because we need a standardized connector for EV’s.
I’ll take 3 exhausts over my Mustang’s “SOUND TUBE”. Literally a tube that connects the intake to the cabin. Easy to disconnect from the intake side, but it’s a PITA to reach the other end in the firewall.
You won’t have money to spend on parts after you’ve paid 80% above MSRP.
so what you are telling me is that someone will always pay for a stadium? If people can’t even tell the MLS no, what chance is there against the other sports in the US?
Portraying any white person in blackface is racist and unacceptable.
Pasting Michael Jordan’s head over a white guy’s head is not blackface.
And here’s our golden boy himself.
(Did I write that whole comment just to share “Fume-ghazi”? I can neither confirm nor deny...)
That response is so straight.
That’s pretty boilerplate language for an investigation that just started. It doesn’t mean they won’t look for indications of bias, just that they haven’t seen any yet. It’s not meant as a dismissal of the idea, in other words, just a simple fact about what’s been discovered so far. It’s common for crimes that…
It is not an antibiotic. Period. It will knock out candida, and works as an occlusive, but it is not an antibiotic (vs, as you mention, moldy bread or honey). Not a sunscreen either.
I am dying to know what “antibiotic properties” coconut oil contains. Is it a broad-spectrum antibiotic? Gram-positive? Gram-negative? Does it cease the production of bacteria through fatal cell wall disruption or just slow down the production of bacteria?
This is what is known as “anecdotal evidence”, which differs from normal evidence in that it is not actual evidence.
Most people who have never owned a business do not understand overhead or the cost of goods sold. They assume when you buy a shirt wholesale at 5 dollars and sell it for 10 dollars you can go buy a beer with the 5$ - insurance, utilities, rent, professional services, etc I guess they assume pay for themselves. They…
Here’s another stat to remember. Only about 5% of gun owners belong to the NRA. Because the NRA is a fucking evil institution that represents fucking irresponsible assholes and not responsible gun owners.
Ahhh Italy...
Where does take him to a ball game fall? My sister and I went partners and took him to a Brewers game last week, including tailgating.