
Counterpoint: Nashville drivers are far worse. While we drive like maniacal assholes in MA, Nashville (and TN as a whole) don’t have any driver’s ed classes so every new driver learns based on what their parents teach them. And for many, their parents live in a bumfuck town (like Pulaski, TN - home of the KKK) and

Years (decade?) ago I owned a Passat and there was a forum that I found to be extremely helpful and not anything like VWVortex. That place is terrible.

I also have a ‘14 Outback and just changed my oil last night to find out only 4qts came out (5.1 is fill capacity). Any word from the dealership about this?

This is why I turn on my hazards when coming to an unexpected stop or slow on the highway. Too many people turn on mental autopilot on the highway and I don’t need to be rear ended at 60mph cuz someone’s twittering.

couldn’t get his followers in New York to actually register as Democrats so they could vote for him.

You could order it ya know?

Someone already did it:

It’s been done before - here’s the writeup about the guy who bought a new crosstrek and WRX’d it:

Stop manufacturing outrage. Who’s Joe Prince and how do they come to the conclusion that Macron is blaming the women for the large family sizes? Having lived in west Africa for awhile, I can tell you the high fertility rate (7+ where I was) was not solely, or mainly the women’s choice.

Video footage from Austrailia

I just want to know how long it will take to freeze the number?

Step 1: don’t include labor costs.


Where are you only getting 3% financing? I got a new Subaru for 0.9%. Granted, this may be apples to oranges, but I’d think you could at least get a bank loan for cheaper - my credit union gave me 0.99%, but dealer financing was cheaper.

Serious question: what did the stable boys and the Luddites end up doing after their industry became obsolete?

That one guy from the Tribune knows the Celtics don’t play in Fenway, right?

What’s allowed then? I believe all cars racing PP need a roll cage, which obviously isn’t standard options in any production cars, so where do you draw the line?

Maybe try adding “Jalop owned” instead?

This. When buying a Subaru, the 2-4 year old cars are not taking that huge depreciation hit because nobody is selling them. This is why we got a new Outback a few years back.