
I lived in West Africa for a couple years - which story do you want? There’s the time a goat kept eating my pant legs from under the seat (humans and animals in the same area), the many many times I was jammed between two large hajji women for over 10 hours, the fact that all the buses were 5 seats across, giving you

It’s a great (dumb) flick.

Yes, because everyone’s salty today.

Cost the taxpayers a lot of money that could be put towards a productive goal like education or crumbling infrastructure?

I think I love you. I’ve always thought the bathroom part was a distraction to the minimum wage legislation, which is arguably worse.

I liked the part where the Patriots won.

“Let’s continue to ignore independents. It’s worked so well in the past.”

+1 bought cabinent seat

I think the barrels on the deck are depth charges, or at least they look like them to me. Depth charges are set to explode at a certain depth and are used to attack subs underneath you.

Andrew Jackson portrait next to his desk in the Oval Office? GTFO

To be pedantic, I believe there were 2.5 or 3 million people in the women’s march earlier this month?? In the US, there was approximately 8 million people who protested the Iraq war in 2003, but the media blacked out all coverage of it.

Then they should look at the numbers. The vast majority of illegal immigrants are people who came here legally (plane, car through a border crossing) and are simply overstaying their visa. There image that these people have of thousands of Mexicans running across the porous border under the cover of night is an

other social services that illegal Imighants use at a much higher percentage than the general population

once in a lifetime moment of distraction

I believe this trick can be used to reset your parking brake via the star gear or whatever it’s called. Only works on rear drum brakes though.

I think there’s a saying in Texas...or Tennessee at least. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you can’t get fooled again!

Looks like Jeep and Ram are being accused of the same thing by the EPA now.

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Did Podesta ever deny them? There’s been so many dumps lately that I’ve lost track, but I thought his only answer to questions of their validity was a shrug.

I make enough so that my wife doesn’t have to work and can stay with the kiddo, yet I just bought a $2200 Ranger last month. Someone’s car isn’t indicative of their wealth.