...And Johnson had 106,442 votes in WI, which if we’re playing “eliminate the 3rd parties” would have gone to Trump, meaning he still would have won. Anyone blaming 3rd party is a fucking idiot.
...And Johnson had 106,442 votes in WI, which if we’re playing “eliminate the 3rd parties” would have gone to Trump, meaning he still would have won. Anyone blaming 3rd party is a fucking idiot.
The pig face there is incredible.
It means you paid an extra $300 for your car. They gave me the option of pzev or not so I chose the one that was cheaper.
All I can add is that whenever I’m on the highway and have to slow/stop unexpectantly, my immediate move after braking is to throw on my hazards for a bit so the cars behind me don’t rear end me.
coup d’etat - from the French
Building the wall only 100' high.
The part of the electorate that is reading a Bernie Sanders article on deadspin already knows this and likely already does vote...even in midterms. We need to find a way to engage those who are not politically active or are turned off or apathetic to politics.
I have a 2014 Outback - they’re big af
Yup, Blackhawk games played in Nashville feel like away games (for the Preds).
I just want to thank you for including the minimum wage restrictions included in HB2 - while the elite distract and divide us with bathroom legislation, we never saw that we’re all getting fucked economically.
What kind of dumbass rock climbs without a helmet?
How about police stop killing unarmed citizens regardless of race? Europe seems to be able to do it fairly easily, what’s wrong with the US?
Wait, is Sprouts supposed to be a Whole Foods competitor? The one near me is like a Kroger+, but nothing near the quality or hautiness of Whole Foods.
*Assuming the reported facts are completely true*
This is bad kinja.
Spotted Cow is their flagship, but not nearly their best one. Right now I’m on a kick of two women.
Which then causes another (albeit small) barrier to entry for any phone OS that isn’t the two.
Not op, but for me I just want to get mad at NBC. This article helps.
Well, I showed up to work wet this morning for starters. Otherwise I love having 2 wheels.