Depending on those 4 annual uses, it seems like the SUV-equivalent version of the truck (Suburban vs Sierra, Explorer/Excurision vs F250, other poor examples) would make more sense, but that’s just me.
Depending on those 4 annual uses, it seems like the SUV-equivalent version of the truck (Suburban vs Sierra, Explorer/Excurision vs F250, other poor examples) would make more sense, but that’s just me.
The only part that they “should” have photoshopped is that wrinkle in her bathing suit near her instep. Something that like I can justify fixing, but when you’re using the computer to change someone’s weight, height, facial features (other than removing acne), or skin tone, then it’s being manipulative, and in this…
What the fuck is Pinkham’s Law?
EDIT: The author’s name is Pinkham...
Can you live without a manual? Yes. Can you live with an automatic Audi RS? No.
I think Eric wants Williams to wear pink, forcing the NFL to fine him so that he can watch the PR backlash at the NFL for fining a player for supporting their dead mom.
2nd car was a B5 1.8T manual. I really liked that car - all the bells and whistles that my previous Corolla didn’t have made me a happy college student.
...until people who learned on a trike use that endorsement to buy a bike and start killing themselves because the way 2 wheels and 3 wheels operates, leans, handles, etc. is very different.
Get one of those dune buggy flags :)
Thanks. Yeah it was a crackpot idea off the top of my head. I think you’re onto something with the mannequins. Maybe ride 2-up with the mannequin as the pillon and then shove them off the bike.
This is probably unrealistic, but here it goes: