The reviews are great! Wonder if the ladies used their real names?
The reviews are great! Wonder if the ladies used their real names?
The reviews are great! Wonder if the ladies used their real names?
The reviews are great! Wonder if the ladies used their real names?
I clicked the Dyson DC 40 Link and it is actually $219.99 BUY IT NOW, not $280, which makes it a far better deal. However, I think I need the pet hair model
I clicked the Dyson DC 40 Link and it is actually $219.99 BUY IT NOW, not $280, which makes it a far better deal. …
The taste of Goodell's jizz just lingers on the tongue...
I've dubbed him Ted "Oxymoron (emphasis on the moron)" Cruz. This guy is a walking, talking contradiction. Vehemently opposes Obamacare, then signs up for it. Was born in Canada to an immigrant, yet constantly talks about securing our borders. Ivy-league educated, yet wants to be viewed as a simple-talking Texan.
I realize that they sometimes have to know more, and even occasionally have to do more. However, the waitress who fills my coffee 5 times at Cracker Barrel ends up coming to the table far more often than the waitress at a nice dining establishment.
Drew, while the kazoo is a great "worst" choice, the vuvuzela is infinitely worse. Not only the awful sound, but the fact that it isn't even a 'Murrrican instrument.
Do you understand how percentages work? If food prices are higher (which they are), then the bill is higher and the waiter is getting a larger tip for the same amount of work. 20% of a $10 hamburger is more than 20% of an $8 one.
When did 20% become the "bare minimum"? I usually always tip 20% (unless ordering drinks only, where my standard is $1 per drink), but I never considered it a minimum. Not even at a nice restaurant. In fact, at a nice restaurant 20% means they are usually getting at least $20 per table of 2, which is a pretty good…
My wife left the shower running for about 8 minutes while she used the toilet before getting in. And I'm the bad guy for complaining?
The foot-long Coney question is not that crazy. Didn't subway recently catch some flak for their foot-longs being smaller than advertised? I think Subway said that the name is not supposed to indicate length. (I remember this because I started calling my dick footlong* (*name not supposed to indicate length)
What ever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" The worst part of the gawker network is its writers' "holier than tho art" attitude toward any offensive speech they disagree with. Its still just speech. My reaction to this story was "so what?" These are kids on a rugby…
Number 1 should be California University of Pennsylvania.
Bet you can't eat just one.
This is basically a tactic to get the other side to negotiate him-or herself. If you can avoid having to make a true counter offer and just insist that the other side lower (or raise, depending on what side of the table you are on) their offer, then you are "winning" the negotiation.
MMA: Still boring even in the animal kingdom
Is it $76,000 each or $76,000 to split between 7 of them? If it was the latter, I would rather be able to punch Goodell in the face than take less than $11,000. $76,000 is enough that I think I'd settle for the money and punching Tom Brady in the vagina.
This article is dumb. The prank was harmless. The kid is smiling. You are overreacting. You made this about race. Stop it.
And raw egg yolks. There are raw egg yolks in any legitimate caesar salad dressing.
I've mixed caesar dressing, dijon mustard, olive oil, and black pepper for a very tangy marinade.