
Stay abroad; kthxbye.

this sentence is everything:

this....this is a better synopsis of why we suck than anything you could have written drew. nothing against you, but this lady takes the cake.

I’m usually the first to start complaining when people start posting Panthers for the wrong reasons. However, I do not think that it is misplaced here. It’s extremely comfortable on the highway, gets surprisingly good gas mileage for what it is (I’ve seen mid-high 20s on the highway), has a trunk you could live in, is

See, that’s the thing about Gawker commenters: they have no sense of what the rest of the country (or world) is like. They thing they are the happy-medium, right in the middle, and that anyone right of them is rightwing. In reality, they are in the left-most 5% of the body politic, and are completely wrong about where

That’s the thing that gets me. What is the platform that is being advocated for that Sanders somehow isn’t endorsing? None of these handwringing thinkpieces articulate it. Is there a policy that the candidates should endorse? What’s the plan?

You’re totally right—instead of planning to alleviate racism with economic tools, Sanders should instead just plan to make every American sign a pledge stating “I won’t be racist.” That would be a much better solution.

When I invested in my R-3 Light a few months ago, my process went like this: used the Aerostich sizing tool on their website, got a response from customer service the next day telling me what size to order (42L). Ordered the suit ($1097 - which they had to make) and 3 weeks later it arrived. Unpacked it, adjusted the


You can buy them in standard sizes, but I’d recommend everyone go made-to-measure.

What was the finale of MASH like?

You don’t like loud pipes? Because you’re not a biker.

Why would Jalopnik commit to more and better motorcycle coverage with Lanesplitter and then proceed to write a post on Jalopnik inviting a bunch of car drivers to vote on what they hate most about motorcyclists? Are the same people writing for both blogs? I hope

The automatic flashing headlight, typically seen on Goldwings more than anything... I get it, you want people to see you, but it’s a little too effective and crosses the line into being an annoyance for others on the road.

Unless you’re drag racing (like on a track), congrats, you’ve made your sport bike handle worse than a Harley.

Not only a cup holder... I have a cooler as well.

Last week I thought the jeweler’s kids were the Chessani kids, but they revealed it last night, I think: the daughter is Caspere’s secretary who disappeared and quit her job early into the season (I think she’s a production assistant in that ripoff of Mad Max that they were filming in ep 3 or so). She’s also one of