
Netflix has actually created a pretty pretty large budget around this film for activism and education (someone I know is leading their organizing efforts) so while fatigue is understandable, there are those fighting this fight—beyond the cultural contribution of simply documenting this—and this film will be shown in

Last year I was hosting a gathering, and one friend decided to take a selfie while in my bathroom, and posted it on Facebook while she was in there. I happened to be checking my feed while she was in there and commented “Did you really just take a selfie in my bathroom?” Next thing I know, everyone is taking selfies

This has happened to me so many times.

It’s easy to cynically point at all the failings of American democracy. But the one thing that will never cease to amaze me, and that I will never stop reminding myself is unique and incredible in the history of government, is the American transition of power. Like, there’s no subterfuge or questions or violence or

Not gonna get a snarky critique of last night from me, guys

Pretty sure Cinna was in charge of that decision.

The white suit was a genius move

Because every single candidate who was in the Republican presidential clown car was horrible. Every single one of them. No matter which candidate came out on top, it was going to be some RWNJ. Raphael Edward Cruz or Mike Huckabee would turn this country into the Republic of Gilead. Herman Cain would be asleep at the

That sound you hear is Clinton and her speech writer going back to the drawing board in advance of her DNC speech tomorrow...

How do I call for Anonymous to release his tax returns, which he’s clearly very intent on hiding?

The level of damage that he's doing to our international standing makes me concerned that he may start it whether or not he ends up in office.

Trump is literally asking for Russia to hack us. Meanwhile Hillary could sneeze and people would ask for her head on a stick. Literally what the fuck. I remember a lot of unfavorable candidates, but nothing like this. You cannot tell me we’re not dealing with an insane amount of illogical misogyny - and a good portion

Manafort’s got the Russian Bear even further up his ass than Trump does.

Women are dangerous. I heard they bleed out devil blood every night and also during the full moon. Always safer to go with a manly male who is also of the Caucasian gender.

Well said.

Women and minorities have been dutifully pulling the lever for white men for decades (when they were allowed to at all) and you never heard from them even a fraction of the hysterics that Sanders supporters have been displaying during the DNC because they didn’t get their #1 choice.

Donald Trump is the Witch King of Angmar. No man can slay him, as the Republican primaries have made clear.

To the diehard Bernie people crying in these comments and, according to my TV screen, literally crying at the convention:

I’m with her.

Are you a guy? Guys are the only ones that don't know that harassment is very common and something every woman over 30 that works outside the house has dealt with at least once.