
No mention of the Clinton Foundation, strange.

“There are no facts, only interpretations”

Oh shit, Donald Trump is Hitler confirmed

Will progressives ever look in the mirror and ask themselves why their policies are bringing such enourmous backlash across Western Nations? Or is it easier to just latch on to neo-McCarytheism and blame everyone else.

Truly, a man of the people

I’m going to go ahead and guess that you haven’t read the official BLM stance on Castro’s death. It’s literal agitrop nostalgia. The way you characterize them couldn;t be further from the truth. It’s just another wave of Black Nationalism.

Lol but Pelosi has led the Democrats to the least amount of power they’ve had in almost a century. Keep doing what youre doing.

But the Nazi’s were very smart actually

is this the fake news I keep hearing about?

No I was making the same point Freddie was using, except with a dictator that was far less romanticized than our Comrade Castro. Also the fact that Chile has had more long term success as a capitalist imperialist probably grinned his gears.

sure yeah, butttt he’s so CUTE

“if you criticize Muslims, they’ll kill you”

“Islam is a religion of peace”

tell me more how Diversity is our strength

Paul Krugman - totally super serious economic graph guy

Who said miracle? But lets not ignore the actual economic good Pinochet did with his reforms, where the fruits of those reforms have propelled the country to on the best in South American today.

No. 7 in the economic freedom index in the world, #1 in South America,
No. 40 in HDI, no. 1 in south america
No.1 in GDP per

And yet Cuba is still a shit hole. On the other hand, Augusto Pinochet lead to the most pro-growth South American country with his capitalist reforms. Sure maybe he threw a couple of Commies out of helicopters, but at least he ceded his power. I wonder if you would defend Pinochet the way you are contextualizing

Would love to hear your opinion on Pinochet in this context.

Why no mention of BLM’s official response to Castro’s death? Pretty fucking cringe worthy TBHHHH

Repeating the current year is not an argument. B-but, muh right side of history!

Diversity is our strength, as they say!