
I completely agree about the widest possible interpretation being both untenable and impractical. It’s well-meant, but the idea of white progressives scanning a crowd for cultural symbols and then analyzing the features or skin tone of the wearer to determine the authenticity of the wearing is...it’s

Oh, I’m afraid it’s not nearly as interesting as you might hope. I suppose it’s that I’m beginning to find the notion of “appropriation” a bit too murky to be useful. If the use of a cultural symbol is fetishizing, for example, then that use is racist. Whether someone has the “right” to the symbol is subjective.

And all y’all bitches said vaccines weren’t dangerous. WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?!

Manuel Ferrara for me.

*sheepishly raises hand*

Did these guys find a second career?

My most recent searches have been threesome and mfm, because that’s how I roll.
Gangbang, really? Ow.

Gangbang is too far down the list and scissoring is too high.


I mean I get that getting married isn’t just about the wedding day it’s about the marriage but like. I thought it was sweet when people told me I’d make a beautiful bride, I don’t see what’s wrong with saying that. And I totally did make a beautiful bride. So there.

This is my Furiosa backstory, and it’s the only one I need, timelines be damned.

Whatever. I’m bi and I just can’t muster up enough anger or annoyance to warrant me wanting to complain or have a conversation about this. Complaining about straight girls feeling comfortable to discuss being attracted to a woman seems like a waste of time and effort, the real harm is so minuscule and nuanced compared

But how many people identify as straight, but are actually questioning? Judging people this way *is* policing their sexuality, like you’re demanding they “prove” they’re “actually” gay or bi before they have a right to express that Ruby Rose gets them hot and bothered.

What is with the tone of this?! I’m bi, and I have no problem with ‘straight’ girls saying this - maybe they’re not straight and this is how they’re finding out? Why are they not allowed to express that they have an unexpected attraction? It’s not taking anything away from me.

Absolutely. This piece is utterly reductive and unhelpful about something that’s wonderfully, richly complex. People aren’t always precisely sure of what or who they like. Frankly, I think a modest majority of human beings live in that shifting, undefined space. And it’s ok. It truly is. It’s a nice place to be. It’s

Rolling my eyes at this entire post. If anything, shouldn’t we be glad that so many people aren’t disgusted by the idea of same sex attraction? But you do you, girl. Keep on with that outrage.

Exactly! Shut your mouth, and know your place! It’s the only way to appease those who live their lives in constant outrage.

“Going with the natural look...”