
That’s exactly what I meant by: “Now add the speed of the hardware that has to handle and convert those signals and you can easily triple or quadruple that. Better infrastructure equipment can make some improvements, but you still have a lower limit somewhere between 50 and 150ms for any kind of countrywide distance.”

Well, crap, now that you gave away the formula any ol’ schmuck could do it. Thank for ruining it for everyone. /s

I’d like to meet Rowe and Holmes. I’m pretty sure if you shake hands with both of them it bestows almost magical like powers of repair and abilities.

There is one law of cooking that rules them all: Make Good Food. Everything else is negotiable. I’ve fed burgers to purists that normally don’t like them with anything more than salt and pepper that they’ve raved about because they were surprised at how much flavor could be put in there without drowning out the beefy

Can it handle the large Nathan’s hot dogs? (They are larger diameter than most hotdogs. I’d compare them to bratwurst thickness.)

I like how at least one or two of those stick things appear to have been knocked down.... just enough to leave some questionability in the photo...

Perhaps the golden rule is more complex than it seems on the surface. Shouldn’t you recognize that you would want to be treated appropriately for who you are? Then, shouldn’t you treat other people appropriately for who they are? Treat people the way you would want to be treated: Appropriately and with kindness.

Or visa versa...

Or visa versa...

All your horse are belong to us.

I like the popin popout nature of Watch Dogs so far. Something like that could work, especially if you can control it.

I really like that voucher for 2240 caps in game. They should totally do that.

Thank you both my wife and myself each bought one. Now, to wait for them to have a half off or buy one get one free deal so we can essentially get a pair of them for 25% off. :) (Don’t worry, my wife keeps them in business on a regular basis. They won’t suffer greatly from us stacking a deal once or twice a year. We

Thank you both my wife and myself each bought one. Now, to wait for them to have a half off or buy one get one free

I’m 6’1” with long legs. With my hips as far back into the seat as I can get them, my knees still firmly press into the seat in front of me. This is why I would be thrilled if I ever found first class to be anywhere near the same price or cheaper than coach. It has always been hundreds of dollars more expensive (on

The cost of the mini-depression induced by looking at first class ticket prices is not worth the aggravation of actually looking at them. In other words: I’ve never seen a ticket price cheaper for first class on any of the flights I’ve actually taken. I would be floored if that ever happened to me. Some of us just

But if you do it standing in front of a mirror long enough until someone else comes into the room, then you’ll look tremendously ridiculous.

You mean it isn’t peenewmoanya? (Phonetically)....and why in the hell do we need a PH when an F does a damn phine job.

OK. With scuba you have to say it like you’re under water...that’s why it gets elongated. I also don’t say l o l. I actually laugh out loud. ;) you make valid points but there are reasons to make changes. When there is no reason to change you don’t change for the hell of it.

No, I’m talking about control. You can smoke and grill at the same time....and like Neo in The Matrix you suddenly have control over time and space. Gas is no longer a limitation or even a challenge. Real Cooking is figuring out where there are short comings in your plan and fixing them or bypassing them for something

I can show you my CNC Mill in my garage that I don’t fully know how to use well, yet, but I’m learning. :) Maybe the boss will let you do an article on steaks and amateur milling? The title writes itself: Grilling and Milling. (Or Milling and Grilling...)

All day, everday. Anytime.