
That makes two of us. (I don’t know what I want. I don’t know who I am, but I like you too and I will gladly BBQ with anyone. Who brings the beer?)

HEHEH ambiguity intended. I’m glad you inquired further. A curious mind is a good mind! I was referring to the MAP gas used in copper “sweating” (soldering) torches. There is standard propane, butane and MAP (trademarked as MAPP, hence why I use the generic MAP...that’s like saying clear tape instead of saying Scotch

That makes you a griller / a cook, a person of integrity. Figuring out how to achieve something with what you have or getting what you need to do it: Awesome! Get down wit’ yer bad self!

Thermapen and a Maverick grill/meat dual probe thermometer. Those are you two best temperature gadgets that WILL make a measurable difference in how consistent you can nail the doneness on any thick piece of meat: steak, roast, turkey, ham, brisket or otherwise. Accept no substitutes. The Thermapen is the fastest

I prefer MAP. It burns hotter.

I know you’re just playin’ / trollin’ or what ever, but I enjoy a good rant now and then, so here ya go: Real grillers make good food regardless of the grill. Excellent grillers find ways to improve their food regardless of fuel source. There are right and wrong ways to use lump charcoal, charcoal briquettes, wood and

I came here to basically say this. Thanks for beating me to it! Don’t waste the stem. Use it!

I don’t work with them and I’m not affiliated in any way. I just want to say that I found AIM Loan to be very helpful in that you could get rate quotes without having to put in personal identifying information. Most sites I found wanted your contact information before they would give you a rate estimate. They’ll give


I love the humor and tongue in cheek that you maintain. Especially at the end. It sounds like we aren’t saying things that are completely different. I am saying that there is room for ingredients as long as the underlying beefiness is fully intact. You are saying that the beefy flavor is the main point behind any

Fuck that. They can change settings on my radio over my dead body. I will find a way around that one way or another, probably with the help of many like minded people who also say: Fuck that!

Coke is high in acid and sugar. Soy sauce and Worcestershire both have obscene amounts of salt and the Worcestershire is an interesting blend of a bunch of other flavorings. (You might not want to look up how they make Worcestershire, originally. That’s why I say interesting blend.) Personally it sounds like a great

I not only love your comment, but I absolutely love that you experiment. Keep on keeping on!

I’ve had and made maple crusted burgers with home smoked bacon; hickory smoked steakburgers with terriyaki basting cooked until it crusted on, served with maple smoked bacon on the side. I’ve had and made a barrel aged balsamic crusted burger that would make your daddy cry and your mama slap him silly. I’ve had and

Frankly, you’re being an extremist and you’re missing some of the forest for the trees. So, let’s take your challenge and address it point by point but first: A detour. If you are talking about store bought ground beef that isn’t AT LEAST ground fresh by the butcher, then you have already lost. There is nothing better

Thank you. I admit, it does take me a while to get to the point, sometimes. :)

I usually do not eat a ground beef burger less than medium / medium well. I’m not saying I haven’t, but as a rule of thumb I usually don’t. Now, a burger that I grind the meat myself: Pull it off at Medium Rare, let it rest in a relatively insulated area, it’ll be medium by the time it’s done resting. Of course you

I’ll see your method (and gladly try it myself) and raise you the ultimate steak burger. Lightly trim (removing silverskin, gristle and very large chunks of fat, otherwise don’t get too carried away). Chunk up the steaks. Mix them 50/50 in a food processor with a blade attachment. (Less is more, you might have to do

Thank you for reading. I know it was a long post. I’m very glad you’re willing to give it a try. It’s not cheap, but if your local grocer ever puts steaks on sale, it doesn’t have to break the bank either. I’ve shared a version of this a number of times and each time someone tries it, they love it. Just make sure you

Take some large chunks of sirloin and large chunks of chuck steak. Place them in a food processor with the blade attachment and add your seasonings of choice (remembering that less is more. Keep it simple and don’t overpower the meat. Enhance it.). You should add about a tablespoon of something liquid. (1 tsp liquid