You did it all for the Krumpus!
You did it all for the Krumpus!
Thank you for using all the original Biblical language in this fine explanation.
I didn't see World War Z because the trailer made it look so bad. So I was quite amused when, during the trailer in a packed theater, some kid who sounded maybe 8 or 9 cried out, evidently very frustrated, "But why are they DOING that? It doesn't make SENSE!" It ain't just you, kid.
Okay, hamsplainer in your low-rent cosplay duds, why don't you start by not pronouncing it "rubble."
My brother insists he minored in pinball at Harvard.
Upvoted, in part, for the uncapitalized use of "winklevoss" as an adjective.
Same here. I had fun playing Dance Dance Revolution with a friendly stranger, but for the most part people seemed disinterested in interacting with anyone outside the friend group they came with. If the place I went to had a game like Killer Queen, which requires lots of people to participate, that would really help…
Perhaps best not to ask why the bathtub wasn't being used for, uh, bathing.
How shocking that his art and guitars got water damaged! … in the … bathtub.
I like how detailed this is. Plainly, you've been preparing for this major career change, however unwanted it may be.
Everything about Con Air is a treasure.
I feel like I would want to watch Chris Marquette in anything … but this sounds so bad. Why you gotta do me like this, Chopra??
My friends and I like to call that going to a show and leaving during the performance of the "cool-down band," such as going to see Chris Whitley and leaving a few minutes into Dave Matthews …
I see that your mind is an easy fuck.
If you want to write a memoir, and you were the other 'whole man' on a show with Sheen, there's no way you can get around talking about Sheen's spectacular, very public meltdown. Cryer seems to have managed to address it with an impressive combination of compassion and frank honesty.
Yeah—they've gotten a lot of publicity and positive reaction to their music under the name they currently have. A lot of people seem infuriated by their refusal to change their name because they see it as a "lol wevs" sort of reaction, but I suspect it has more to do with the fact that it's extremely difficult for…
But don't forget how blatantly appropriative it was, and how it also smacked of appropriation! That promoter really likes that word.
My impression was that she prefers familiars who are her own physical age for whatever reason (there were some hints that she's mentally still ~12), so she used up her grown-old familiar once she found a new one she was (for the moment, at least) more enamored of, a scenario which—I completely agree—will repeat with…
That wasn't whiskey.
No matter how bad The Room was, if he poured his heart and soul into it and the only response was ridicule, it would be extremely hard to invest that much love and passion in the next project, even if he felt like he should cash in on the film's notoriety.