Enjoy your $2 crack whore
Enjoy your $2 crack whore
I’ve loved Daniel since he was Posh Kenneth on Skins. So I had no problem whatsoever with the lead role. A ton of talent has come from Skins 1st and 2nd season (UK) version. Although, I see a side to what Jackson is saying. There is still a disconnect with Hollywood and Black American actors. Many people on John’s…
It just shows, as your stats reflect, that even black folk and certainly liberals ignored many of Pres O’s other significant achievements beyond ACA, Bin Laden, Cuba, Environment, Iran, and so on while falling for the Obama didn’t do anything for black/brown folk. Obama was smart and low-keyed (to the ignorant) many…
This is what the people want... they want the old school to live forever... “my guy was harder than all these youngsters” “my guy don’t play that”
Shaq’s a bully and a chump. He should stick to what he does best — making shitty commercials for cut-rate car insurance and ass powder.
Ali didn’t dodge the draft. He publicly told it to “fuck off.”
As a German who follows both German and American politics extensively, I can only tell you that no one here, not the top level politicians, nor the intelligence community and generals of the military, nor the media, nor the average people believe any of the assurances that Trump’s 2nd (VP Pence), 3rd (Sec. Tillerson)…
y’all so regional
I think it’s some sort of tradition.
I love this headline more than words can convey.
1. Dolt45 is not my president
I <3 you.
Voucher programs done right, where there is accountability, performance standards, oversight, and a non-profit motive, are what most people support. The DeVos model of profit only, with no oversight and accountability, is what sensible people, on the left and right, oppose. It’s all in the article above.
Any white kid who went to a rural, mostly white ISD would laugh for days, and days and days at the notion that Republican lawmakers care about them getting a quality education, as compared to their drive to slice up funding for public education being about ambivalence towards minority children getting educated.
I am heartened by 1. the growing protests for justice and 2 that they are outright calling these motherfuckers rapists.
And in France in particular it is forbidden by law to do “racial” statistics for example.
What makes you think Furh Trump will allow Kerr into the Whitehouse, sucka? I’d rather see J.R. slip Melania a note asking if she’d like the pipe?
Fuck that. Trump is the pure distillation of the Republican party’s strategy since Reagan, if not sooner. Covert, coded racism has ceded to overt, proud racism, but they’re still fucking the same chicken. It’s getting louder and angrier as people age out of the workforce and let their “shitty human being” flags fly.…
oh bullshit on that. Trump represents an angry undereducated horde who have been criminally mislead by a well funded propaganda machine and they’re running the show now. Shit like this is on them. Dems/Libs/Hillary aren’t perfect at all but this is the inevitable result of the ongoing willful ignorance of the…