
How you got that is beyond me. Maybe I missed something, but I genuinely don’t see where he said it was the woman’s fault. So if I make up some hilariously inaccurate statement about you, it automatically becomes true, as long as I tell people you literally said it?

If you can’t see why things like...

As if to prove my point, thank you.

I used to love riding stand-up skis, and have even occasionally thought about buying one for myself (on the used market, because I can’t justify $10k for this).

Nor I, with you. What’s your end game here? To prove to everyone on the AV Club that you are the sole arbiter of what is and is not acceptable behavior?

Hasn’t stopped you from talking about things you don’t know about. So I thought that was what we were doing here.

Wow, look at you making wild assumptions about people you don’t know. You’ve got a lot in common with predators...

Conservatism in general is full of wacky nonsense.

If it smells and tastes like bacon, or even close to it, count me in.

Blades of Steel was (and still is) better than Nintendo’s first party game, Ice Hockey. In fact, it’s definitely my favorite hockey game prior to EA’s NHL ‘94.

Once Nickelback finds their way into the rotation, I’ll have to find a new radio station to listen to...

There’s a local “classic rock” radio station near me that plays stuff like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sublime, Beck, Green Day, Nirvana, Soundgarden, and the like. At first, I was a little miffed that the music I loved in high school and college is now considered classic rock by some.

I’d say it’s plain stupid to say either opinion is without merit. People should buy what they want to buy and what they can afford to buy.

Are you suggesting people should not be allowed to hold that opinion, thus your preemptive strike?

If this gets young people out to vote in record numbers this November, I think we could mostly agree that it would be the first positive thing the Trump administration actually accomplished.

And ultimately, it’s your car. Do with it whatever makes you happy. You could spend $75,000 and do a like-new restoration, and someone will complain that you should have done X, Y, and Z differently.

So, the moral of your story is that it’s okay to be an unrepentant asshole as long as you can point to someone else and say, “Yeah, well, they’re worse.”

I just started playing Astroneer this week, and I’m very excited about the prospect of being able to play for more than 30-40 minutes at a time.

Carrion is truly a fantastic game. Like you mentioned, not having a map is a huge pain, and it is a major omission in any “Metroidvania” type of game. Thankfully, people of the internet have helped with that, and there are at least a couple of fully-fleshed (ha!) maps out there on various game guide websites. It

My roommates said they’d get me rims for Christmas. And a CB radio, so I can talk to other car beds.