
Dubai. Not uncommon to find relatively new Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Bugattis abandoned on the side of the road.

The funny (well, sad) part is that to him and his cult-like followers, this only further entrenches them in their beliefs that they are speaking the truth and that tech companies are somehow just pawns operating at the mercy of the Deep State.

I thought he said it made frogs gay...or something equally outlandishly dumb.

Yep, same with Paramount Network. Both channels play some decent movies, especially on the weekends. But when you are trying to watch a 2.5 hour movie in a 4-hour time block, it gets very tedious.

If I’m going to bust out my PS2 emulator (because my console went kaput), it’s going to be to play Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero. This is the particular hill that I am willing to die on.

It’s DLC weekend in my house

So...I’m a 1983 French station wagon, front-mid engine V6 with RWD named after a made-up word, and is fast, but rusts horribly.

Peeps: The food I see once a year that gives me just enough feeling of nostalgia to buy a package, then get halfway through my first Peep only to remember that they aren’t very good at all. The remaining three Peeps inevitably sit out on the counter for a week before getting disposed of.

Two beer-related things. First, brewery hopping. Going to a city, and checking out a bunch of local brews. Second, having brew day parties again. Making beer by myself is not fun enough to do until I reach the point where my beer fridge is at risk of becoming empty.

The blue one looks suspiciously similar to what you’d get if you gave a computer graphics artist a fair amount of LSD, then told them to create an automotive-themed caricature of a large aquatic creature.

With a base price of $85,000 (for the 340hp I6 model) and an ongoing global pandemic happening right now, I’m a little curious why BMW dealers can’t quite figure out why these cars aren’t flying off the lots.

It should be stated that my second car, a Cavalier of all things, was actually faster. 

Damn, I wish I had $30k to spend on my first car when I was a teenager. All I got was a hand-me-down 4-cyl Fox Body Mustang.

Postpone? I’m betting that he tries to outright cancel it and declare himself president for another four years.

I imagine that if this goes all the way through the rest of the year, there won’t be an Oscars show.

I feel like a Macan is about the worst choice possible. Even a Cayenne would be much better for what the person is describing as their set of needs.

Tons of respect for the fabrication (at least what we can see of it).

Quit giving out my secrets!

I have two thoughts on the matter of Trump testing negative for the virus.

Not really, as they are actually two different things.