Vincent Adultman

You're like my sister..when she was 4..

Bloody Mess perk ftw

You are so edgy and cool.

That's why Veronica is so great: What's not to love about a girl that punches mutants in the face until their arms fall off?

Hey everyone, this guy hates this.

The cool kids had Heelys. For about 5 minutes.

"What kind of milk in your latte?"

"Can I get a caffe' latte, please?"

"When Rosa Parks said she didn't give up her bus seat because she was tired, she meant that she was tired of being treated like a second-class citizen, not that she was physically exhausted. This is clear in the full context of her statement. The idea that she was just a quiet lady

I really doubt any of the Starbucks actually wrote on the cups or had conversations. The one I got to (because you may take my life but you'll never take my chai latte!) thought it was hilariously stupid.

no you have to pay to upgrade to the ad free version.

Making claims that the cop somehow was about to kill the biker is an outright lie! an accurate analysis of the video evidence.

Please let me run you into concrete with my car, I'm sure you will be ok. It's slow so it's not like it s life threatening... Mind if I run over your foot? it's rubber so it wont even hurt.

Douchebag comment. What we need are more people filming law enforcement, not fewer.

Are you saying that if some POS in a POS Monte Carlo put on little lights and tried to pull you over, that you'd pull over?

If the motorcyclist wanted to evade why did he wait until the life and death moment to hit the throttle? An evading motorcyclist would have been long gone before being inches from serious life-altering injury or death. They are exchanging words or something.

Thr car was unmarked. How was the biker to know that it wasn't just some guy with police lights trying to hit him?

Yeah! Hell, why not just shoot him from the patrol car? THAT would put an end to it!