Vincent Adultman

See, even when Valve is ratted out as screwing their customers over, there are guys like you giving them "mad props" and even claiming their behaviour "should be an example to others". No. This is ridiculous. Do you also give "mad props" to murderers who enter "guilty" pleas at trial and praise them as shining

I refuse to applaud a corporation for its Brave Admission that it's been fucking its customers sideways and refusing to do things that all of its competitors have done better at for over a decade now, and its pledge that they'll totally try harder now, guys, seriously. They don't get shit until they've turned words

Actually, the "adult" thing to do would be to admit fault and take steps to improve things.

If shirking blame is what kids would do, Valve just took the teenager way of doing things and said 'yeah okay whatever".

that doesn't mean Steam's customer service isn't absolute pants.

Yeah BBB is pretty corrupt, that being said, steam customer service is pretty bad.

As an engineer...

It's not about melting, it's about vibration. buildings are meant to sustain a constant compression force (With low level oscillation). Now when a plane hits it, it's like striking a tuning fork: You induce a powerful oscillation in the structure. Namely, a tension wave emanating upward from the

I don't get the need to reduce the entire history of the world to a good guys vs. bad guys scenario.

steel fuel can't melt jet beams either

Here we go...

Well, this just proves that children of brilliant people can be stone cold stupid.

Actually you got them wrong because you didn't read the directions:

Keep going, you can do it. It's literally the next paragraph!

Really? You don't think they can maintain a minimum playerbase of EIGHT PEOPLE at any given time? I could write a web app where you click a button and it plays a fart noise and maintain a playerbase of 8 people.

...There are only 8 people in the entire world playing at any time. How the fuck do you think playerbase is an issue?

Read. The. Fucking. Article.

I swear to god it's as if nobody in the comments has ever read the damn article.

Pfft, not impressed. Still waiting for the game where if you die, you die in real life....

This sounds super fun to watch and play, very interesting.

Greatly enjoying the collective freak-out over this game's conceit in the comments. No one's forcing you to play this game—it's just an interesting experiment in game design. The point is that you're typically in the audience enjoying the spectacle, and you get one chance to do well yourself. It's definitely