Business Cat


You have read more into the announcement than is there. The maintenance command has started planning for maintenance assuming that the A-10 will be kept flying indefinitely. But that doesn’t mean that Air Froce leadership have made a decision to, in fact, keep it flying indefinitely. Air Force leadership may decide

That’s all fine and good, but Fairchild Republic is long out of business.

I get it, everyone loves the Hog.

“And that son, is how I met your mother”

This seems like something right up ESPN The Ocho’s alley.

Wow that was underwhelming.A crash proof vehicle proves it can drive slowly around a fully known course with zero distractions.

Can I applaud Bill for not tossing the Patriots IT guys under the bus and giving them a measure of respect for their work.

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

Schools rarely go into drydock

Why did no one tell me there was a show called dry dock?

Browns. It’s what they do.

Are you serious? I am going to assume that you are not serious. Because you cannot possibly be serious.

I wrote my Master’s Thesis on Post-Soviet Russian Nationalism. Mother Russia have never given the remotest fuck. Not once in their 1100 year history.

Cool. Let’s shoot down a few more civilian airliners.

is that you Donald? :)

Because Russia is continuing to bombard an already devastated city. If they would abide by that request the peace talks would be still be ongoing.