Business Cat

“The war with China or Russia can only be nuclear, no one is afraid of US aircraft carriers,”

You also think the white man is the devil according to all your other posts. Go back to gawker.

So why is Russia and China so concerned about American carrier groups? I mean it’s so easy for them to take them out with nuclear weapons, right? Could it possibly be the fact that if you attack the US with a nuclear weapon, you’ve just signed your own death warrant along with probably the rest of the world? There is


Only right & equal.

David it too polite to say it so I will for him, please fuck off.

“The incident does not initially appear to be tied to an earlier crash of a U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds demonstration team jet crash.’

I’m still rolling my eyes at the article’s comment that “...this crash is not apparently tied to the Thunderbird crash...”

I thought this too. Both teams use the old A versions, which regardless of servicing are still older than me.

2 birds down in one day is very rare. These pilots are the best of the best.

No.... no it certainly does not.

Homogenous society with common language and values.....damn amazing they are easier to educate?

I doubt they could replicate such a stout performance today.

Easy mistake to make.... the Finnish archipelago is just crazy...

At least he didn’t pick up his rifle and start sniping.

Silly Texans seem to think their state is worth the effort.

Honestly this really. I DO think that the DoD should constantly check to make sure that such things AREN’T broke and ensure that they can function properly and continue to function in the long term, however if they do their due diligence I don’t see a problem with them having old tech.

It it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Frankly I find it reassuring that our nuclear weapons systems rely on sixty year old technology that cannot be hacked and is so obscure that the average misfit from Anonymous or whatever would barely even recognize it as a computer.