
I'll see your chewing kangaroo, and raise you this chewing quokka

The list includes Lil Bub. It is therefore legit and gets my "Bookmark on mobile device and consult as necessary" recommendation.

Only commenting because I really like the image of Earth with two thumbs up. If it could be smiling and winking with a word bubble that says something like "whats got two thumbs up and likes tits? THIS GUY" It would be perfect.

Is there a way we can still save gifs with this new Kinja set-up? I need that kangaroo for my collection!

7. People rescue and revive stray and mangy animals like Bethany every day. Bethany, we love you.

Agree with all the above and also would like to add my own. This weekend my dad told me I was "still his little girl." I am 40-something and he is in his 70s. I was a puddle of goo until Sunday night.

You guys, her nose is a heart! Awwwww.

I'm so frightened and confused...when did the comments change again? What's happening?


As much as I love Tom Hiddleston (the man brings some actual nuance to what could have been a scenery-chewing cardboard villain), I can't help thinking that he's a bit too old to play Eric Draven. If he does get the role, I'm sure I'll end up happy with his version, but that's my initial reaction.

My husband was at Beth Isreal for FOUR SOLID DAYS. We barely heard from him, and he hardly slept and I'm pretty certain he only ate bagels. When it happened, he didn't know what was going on, just that everyone started running around, all the ambulances left and then they were all overwhelmed.

I'm glad that I live in a city with such amazing medical services. Several of the top medical centers in the country are very close to the bomb site. I'm glad that we are able to handle these kinds of situations well and I'm proud of the way that the city has responded—but I'd really prefer that we didn't have to...

I want to give a shoutout to my uncle, who is an orthopedic surgeon at Brigham & Women's and has been working all week with victims from the Marathon. So proud to call him family.

Yes, thank you! They did a phenomenal job. I'm feeling like I need to find some silver linings and the Boston first responders, spectators and hospitals saved many lives this week.

"On Hellen Keller (and Greek philosophy): "I might as well be Helen Keller because I have NO idea what's going on in this class right now #plato‬"" — Helen Keller earned her B.A. So, so far, Keller: 1, Becksters: 0

"It's gotten to the point where I have trouble talking to people not in greek life because I have no idea what they do with their spare time"

I suppose that what's disturbing to me is this man — who is the head of a school, who should be encouraging children to find their individual voices — was completely willing to make this pathetic attempt to hinder a child's future education. And he hoped that Wellesley would do what? Renege their acceptance? If that

Ha, does that principal even know what Wellesley is? Cheers to this badass young woman for her accomplishment.

I'm sure that every other kid who "misbehaves" in school doesn't get their college of choice personally contacted. That is fucking bullshit - such a disproportionate "punishment." Does every kid who curses at a teacher, gets detention, defaces school property, whatever, get a phone call from the principle to their

Some acquaintances of mine carried a dehydrated runner across the Mass. Ave bridge. If this was your family member, then a) the world is a damn small place and b) I hope she's doing okay now (obviously that sentiment stands either way).