Somebody just needs to grow a pair and step up. I’m shockingly available. I have made it very clear
Somebody just needs to grow a pair and step up. I’m shockingly available. I have made it very clear
I mean, dude legit smelled her hair and kissed the back of her head during a campaign event. How would that make you feel? Uncomfortable would probably be the polite way of putting it.
It’s not the only issue, but it’s a core part of the problem. If Joe were a handsy gradma, hell, if Elizabeth Warren hugged a lot of people that didn’t want to be hugged, we would not be having this conversation. If I complained Warren hugged me I’d get laughed at. No one cares if grandmas don’t understand…
Biden has recognized what he did was wrong and said that he would be more considerate in the future.
Most definitively, people should keep their hands to themselves and only engage in physical contact with those willing to do so.
I’ve had grandmas (not mine) make me feel uncomfortable with their affection. Know what I said? Jack shit. Because if I ever did I would look like an asshole. No one would tell grandma not to be handsy.
Funny, after all of the assertions that Joe could ONLY do this stuff to women, we see plenty of examples of him doing this with men and it’s completely ignored.
The way that situations like this are supposed to be addressed in a democracy is that those in power would lose the support of those constituents.
Let’s be clear, he also did so WHILE contesting the idea that the administration treats PR differently.
This is exciting. Kamala is the one campaign I’d have no hesitation joining.
I read that and thought--Chipotle?
Boned out (pronounced bont-out). A classic.
What is the more likely scenario. That one of the weapons will be used to actually stop an armed attacker, or that one will accidentally be used against an innocent person, likely a student?
Pretty sure the appropriate response to a cockroach that big is to call everyone you know to shoot everything they have at it. Especially lasers.
Obama has a lot to answer for too.
But look what he did in this case Dwayne:
The wording of President Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawals indicates that he intended them to extend indefinitely
The problem is ranking women according to their looks. That’s cruel.
Additional video from the session