

Seeing as how there is no group more privileged in the criminal justice system than white women, her attorneys probably figure there’s a fair chance the current SCOTUS will try to protect that privilege.

Yeah, sounds like it’s just trying to get laughs off of negative stereotypes. Which, whatever, there’s plenty of that to go around.

So now domestic abuse is fun AND funny! Yay 2019!!

Well that’s not a good look for her.

I think that’s a very important distinction. Going from goals to figuring out something workable will take several years itself. That’s before we even get into the—what is the state of the technology question.

100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources

Not only that, but that retrofitting would occur with technology that doesn’t exist yet. Part of the plan itself involves creating incentives to develop more consistently reliable renewable energy technology.

She has been handling him masterfully.

Young blonde woman actually to serve full sentence? She must have the worst lawyers.

I’m thinking Buttegieg’s in for the VP nod, making the case he could put Indiana in play and round out a progressive at the top of the ticket. Dunno how that will sell, but that’s the most realistic angle.

Did Christie really think he’s the one that looks good in a story where he supposedly had to be stopped from assaulting a constituent that backed off by saying “just take care of the teachers”?

I know, I know.

90% of me was thrilled when I saw the headline that she’d do this.

Fuck off Willie Brown. The future of this country depends on removing Trump from office and you want to make shit about who you were lucky enough to date????

She’s single? You should tell her and her husband that.

NIxon Foundation’s like, we don’t know him, he’s a crook!

This obsessions with Pete Davidson’s junk is fucking creepy as shit.

The right would simultaneously applaud him for telling it like it is while denying he ever said the words he said.